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My Personal investment journey – I


There is a certain level of curiosity in knowing what the other guy is making or getting in terms of investment returns. A lot of people and friends I know like to flaunt the returns they are getting from the market (The stock I bought last month doubled !!). Maybe it is an ego thing or maybe just a topic of discussion.

I personally prefer to discuss about specific ideas, both in person and on my blog. I find that more interesting and educational for me and others. As a result of this quirk, I have never discussed about the overall returns I have made from the stock market on my blog. I am not selling anything to anyone and just like to share my ideas with like minded people. I am happy if people read what I have to say and can learn something (maybe) with me.

I have been asked about my investing experience and the kind of returns I have made. I have made 32% returns (annualized and unleveraged) over the past 8-9 years following a value approach. These may not be the fantastic returns some of you expect or may have achieved. However they are far more than what I have targeted for myself. Investing is side thing for me and is not my profession. I primarily invest for myself and my family and prefer a buy and hold (not buy and forget) approach. My personal portfolio is low on risk and volatility as I prefer a good night’s sleep.

It may be possible to get higher returns through alternative approaches. However I have found that value investing suits my temprament and the returns I have made are more than satisfactory for me.

A word of caution : I tend to hold a number of stocks which I discuss on this blog. However the purchase price for the stock and portfolio weightage of the stock makes a lot of difference to the overall returns. So please do not buy the stocks I discuss without your own analysis.

In terms of personal disclosure, this maybe as far I would like to go. I am not intending to disclose my overall portfolio and returns on an ongoing basis. Investing rationally is diffcult enough. I do not want to do it publicly and make it more diffcult for me.

However more important than the returns is my investment journey till date. I will be discussing the details in this and the next post. It is likely to be a long post, and maybe boring (no excitement in the way I invest). However what I have gone through may echo what you have or are going through.

1997-1999 (The start)
I had completed my MBA and was working in sales and marketing. I was responsible for handling the finances of my entire family and for me capital preservation was more important. I knew the basics of finance, however that was not sufficient to invest intelligently. An MBA education teaches you about corporate finance, but does not teach you to be an investor.

So during this phase I started learning the basics such as what is an FD, what is a mutual fund etc. Internet was not common then and so my learning was based on economic times and a few books I could get. There were no live quotes then, so one had to look at the papers to get the daily quotes.

During this period I came across the book – The warren buffett way and was competely struck by it. I was completely bowled over by warren buffett. I started reading any books I could get on him. I think I must have read around 20-25 books on him till date. These books led me to other investors like Benjamin graham, Phil fisher etc. By the end of 1999 I had read quite a few books on these masters.

This was more of a reading/ learning phase. The two stocks I bought during this phase were Reliance petroleum and Arvind mills. I read an article in business world on RPL and hence bought that stock. Arvind mills had given a presentation in my college some time back and I liked what I had heard and so went and bought a small amount of the stock.

Well, RPL did well and Arvind mills tanked as the denim industry went into a downturn.
Prior to these two stocks, I bought the following stocks also
IFCI – because the dividend yield was high
Karur vyasa – It was cheap on P/B basis
Larsen toubro – It was a well known company then though not a hot stock.

So by the end of 1999 (before the IT boom), I had a hodgepodge of stocks in my portfolio with most of them doing badly. The good thing was that I was learning and constantly re-evaluating the stocks I had. I soon realised that I had goofed up in some of my picks like IFCI and arvind mills and sold them at a good loss. The rest I held on.

2000 ( The greed phase)
By start of 2000, I felt I had learnt a lot and was ready for the dive ( don’t laugh). So starting from Jan 2000, I started looking at stocks. However all the reading for the last 2-3 years had made me wary of the IT stocks due to the high valuations. I luckily avoided picking any specific stocks during the early part of the year.

However it is not easy to avoid greed, especially if you are new to the market. Thinking that mutual funds are safe, I setup an SIP for some IT and general funds. Well, by the end of the year the IT funds and other funds had tanked and I got an expensive lesson.

Toward the end of the year, I started analsying a few companies and picked up SSI and asian paints. My analysis for asian paints was correct and I have benfitted from it. However in case of SSI I ignored the high valuations. I built a DCF model and pretty much made assumptions to justify the price. I paid for it by losing 90% of my investment on it.

So by end of 2000, after 4 years of learning, all I had to show was a drop of 15% in personal investments and ofcourse a lot of learning in terms of what not to do.

The reason, I think I never gave up was because I was already in love with investing and reading and so was not very dissapointed by the losses. By the way, I had still done better than the market averages. Why is that important? I will come to it by the end of my investment journey

2001-2003 (rebuilding the portfolio)
By 2000, I had got an expensive lesson for being greedy and for ignoring valuations. However I never letup on my learning. I was actually enjoying the process and knew by then that I was fairly passionate about it (money or not). Access to information through the internet made the learning process easier too.

By mid 2001, I started re-analysing my portfolio and identifying my mistakes. Overall, I think I did not have too many. I sold off SSI and exited the IT funds. The rest of the portfolio remained the same. I started analysing stocks and picked up the following companies during the 2001-2003 phase

– Blue star
– Concor
– ICICI bank (had bought the IPO, just increased the holding)
– Marico
– Pidilite
– Gujarat gas

In addition I moved into a few good mutual funds and exited the poorly performing funds. By Mid 2003, my portfolio had done much better than the market, but was below cost in absolute terms as the market had been dropping for the last 2 years.

It is easy to look back and regret that mid 2003 was an all time low (index was around 2900) and one should have invested heavily into the market. But if like me, you were new to the market and had faced only a bear market, it was a very diffcult thing to do. It was difficult to see a bull market over the horizon.

In hindsight (which is always perfect), my portfolio was well positioned for bull run. It however did not feel that way at that time.

By the way, I was not done doing stupid things. I was sick of L&T’s performance (due to the cement division), their management and the stock price. So I sold it after 4 years at a 10% gain. What happened after that ? see here

To be continued …..

How i analyse stocks


I have been asked via emails and comments on the process I follow in analysing stocks. I have written about my approach earlier, but may have never put it formally in a single post.

My approach essentially consists of the following steps

1. Idea generation – This is typically the first step in the process. It involves searching for undervalued ideas. I do not have a strict formula for the search process. I use icici direct website to run a few screens to generate some ideas. Some of the screens are as follows

PE less than 13
ROE greater than 13%,
debt / Equity less than 0.7

Once I get this list, I export it into excel and then add additional parameters to it such as Net profit performance for last 5 years, ROE for last 5 years etc . A few companies get eliminated at this stage if they had losses for the last few years and have only been profitable for a year or two. Once I have shorter list, I start looking at the Profit and loss statement, Balance sheet and ratios. A few companies get eliminated if I don’t like what I see at this point of time. For ex: If the free cash flow is poor for the company, I will remove the company from the list.

In some cases the elimination is not really scientific and is driven by my whims and fancy ( I am not as rational as I should be). So highly cyclical companies, which seem to have a very low PE due to sudden profit spurt are eliminated if their normalised PE is not attractive. After all this number crunching, I may be left with a 10-12 companies.

Another source of ideas are blogs of other value investors, articles or suggestions by some other investors I admire and follow. If I see them talking about a company, I add it to the list and start investigating it.

2. Annual report review – Once I have a list of interesting ideas, I start scanning the annual reports of these companies to look for any red flags or hidden value. Some companies get eliminated at this stage if I find something fishy. Once I like the numbers I see, I start reading the Annual report from the beginning, starting with the Director’s report, Management discussion etc.

3. Valuation template – Once I have a rough idea of the company and if the company still looks good, I start updating my valuation template. I start with the Quantitative numbers, follow it up with an industry analysis, competitive analysis etc. I keep referring back to the annual report to update the worksheets and answer some of the questions in the template. I also use this stage to generate more questions on the company.

4. Broad research – After updating the basic numbers and the qualitative worksheet, I may end up with some open questions. For ex: How is the industry expected to do over the next few years? . How will competition impact the company etc ?. At this point, I start doing some research on the net to find answers to these questions though I may or may not be successful at this stage in finding answers . I may even download the AR of the main competitors and review it to get a feel of the industry. This stage is fairly unstructured and I just trying to gather as much information about the company and industry as possible

5. Valuation – If I am still comfortable with the company, I start the DCF calculation and other valuation exercises. Over time I have realised the valuation exercise is fairly redundant. If the undervaluation is not perfectly obvious by now, then plugging some numbers and making a bunch of assumptions is not going to make the company an attractive buy. The numbers being plugged into the model are dependent on the qualitative analysis done during previous stages.

During this stage I go through a DCF valuation, comparative valuation and a probability based valuation exercise. If the numbers match with each other in all the approaches, then I am more confident of the Intrinsic value estimates

6. Portfolio inclusion – I typically try to keep 12-15 companies in my portfolio. So if a company has to get added, another has to go out. This prevents my portfolio from becoming a zoo of mediocre ideas. I compare the discount at which the new company is selling to my estimate of the intrinsic value. I then compare this discount with that of the other companies in my portfolio. If the new idea is better than an existing one, then it replaces it. Else I may make just a very small token investment to track the company and wait till it become more attractive or some other company goes out of the portfolio.

Although I have listed the steps in a very linear and logical fashion, in reality it is not so neat. Multiple steps are going on at the same time and I may sometimes skip a step too.

As you can see, the process is a bit elaborate and time consuming. I however do not find it cumbersome as I enjoy doing it.

Come to think of it, why should it be easy? is there any competitive profession in the world where you can make good money without any effort ? why should investing be any different ? Have you ever heard that someone has become a heart surgeon in a day?

Analysis – Ashok leyland, Suraj diamonds etc


I had suggested to the readers of this blog a few weeks back to send me a list of companies to analyse. I am posting on a few from the list

Ashok Leyland – I have written on Ashok leyland here and here. I have been analysing the annual results of the company for 2007-2008 and the key points are summarized below

Postitives :
The company has maintained its ROE and capital efficiency (Wcap ratio) inspite of tough market conditions. The sales growth was around 6%, which is decent in view of the slowdown in the Commercial vehicle markets. The netprofit growth and margin were also satisfactory. The company has also improved its market share in the current year.

In addition to the above, the company is investing in capacity and also in R&D (at 2%+ of sales). The company is also investing in several JVs for exports, electronic components for vehicles etc.

Negatives :
Competition in the industry is increasing with a lot of foreign players coming into the country. As a result the obsolence of models will speed up. There would also be a higher spend on R&D and Marketing to manage the competitive pressure.

The company is also expanding internationally which in itself carries a higher risk.
The company is a cyclical industry where the demand could be weak for some more time. This is strictly not a negative as the long term competitive advantages of the company are still intact.

I have uploaded a detailed analysis of Ashok leyland in google groups here (valuationtemplatev2ALLaug2008.xls)

A valid question would be – Why not invest in tata motors which is the clear industry leader. To that my response is – Tata motors as a company is too complex for me (maybe not for others) to analyse. The company has a lot of moving parts now. It a heavy vehicle, car manufacturer combined. In addition with foreign accqusitions of Jaguar and other brands there are additional unknowns too. In comparison AL is a much simpler company to understand and analyse. Hence my preference for Ashok leyland.

Suraj Diamonds
The company is in the diamond cutting and jewelry business. The revenue has grown by almost 300% in the last 5 years and so has the net profit. However the net margins are very low at around 2-3%. In the addition the ROE is less 10% even after improvements in the last few years. The company has low free cash flows. The net profits in aggregate are around 130 crs in the last 5 years. However around 50% have been used up for fixed asset and working capital. There has been a huge increase in the debtors position which is now around 1 years sales. The company looks cheap from a net profit perspective, however I am not too impressed by the ability of the business to generate free cash flow. There is fairly high increase in debtors which is quite risky in my opinion.

I would personally not proceed further with this stock untill I see the company is able to improve its free cash flow generation. The risk in such stocks is that the faster the company grows, the more capital either in form of debt or equity would required. This is fine in the short term, however if the business model generate poor free cash flows, then the stock only appears but is not really undervalued

A few additional companies have been emailed to me, which I have analysed in the past. I am providing the list and the links below

HPCL – see here and here
Kothari products – It is still a net cash situation and an arbitrage opportunity too.
VST industries

Analyst speak


Analyst recommendations –

Neutral – We are as clueless as you are about the future of the company, but I have to give some rating as I am being paid to do that.

Hold – Same as neutral

Buy – Holy Cow !! The stock price has gone up recently. Now that the whole world knows that the company is doing well, we are recommending the stock. Doesn’t matter if the company is overpriced …that is your problem.

Sell – (The opposite of buy ..literally and figuratively) Oh @##!! , The whole world knows that the company has gone to the dogs. The stock price has dropped like a stone. Better cover my ****.

Underweight or overweight – (Play of words) Means we are confused, but as we have to give some rating and have to generate some commision for the brokerage, sell a little or buy a little (we don’t care which, both will generate commisions for us)

I have nothing against individuals, but the profession forces honest, intelligent people to indulge in smoke and mirrors and put out garbage.


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