I recently received an email from pradeep about the ABB buyback offer (see deal announcement here). His question was – Does the buyback have an arbitrage opportunity? My response (With light editing to make it for better reading) is below
Dear Rohit,
How are you?
I wanted to know your opinion about ABB delisting. I have never done arbitrage but ABB has declared an open offer for 900 Rs and the shares, though jumped today to 830 Rs, still is at a 70 Rs discount to the offer price indicated by ABB.
I am not sure how one should think through this situation. I have invested some money today since the upside seems to be around 8% return in 2 months time. But I am wondering why the stock price did not end up at 880s level since the risk that ABB would withdraw the offer seems pretty low?
Is there any mistake in my thought process?
Hi pradeep
Good to hear from you. Thanks for passing this info. I had a look at the offer and below are my thoughts
– The offer is not really a delisting offer. ABB – the parent, holds around 51% of ABB India. This open offer is to buy around 23% of the shares to take their shareholding to 75%. The purpose seems to be increase control.
– the acquirer has stated in the offer document that they do not intend to delist the company.
See this link here : http://www.bseindia.com/stockinfo/anncomp.aspx?scripcode=500002.
Deal Math
Let’s look at the deal math:
If you buy 100 shares, you pay around 83000. With public holding at 49%, the acceptance ratio will be 50-100% depending on the tender levels.
For acceptance ratio we can look at the shareholding structure. On the ABB site, you can see that around 30% is held by institution and the rest by individuals. 10% is held by LIC.
The key to acceptance ratio is how the institutions will tender. If they don’t, then you get 100% acceptance and a 10% upside
If the some of the institutions tender then you have a ratio between 50-80%. Let’s take 70% for assumption sake – then 70 shares get accepted and you make 63000. Let’s assume the rest – 30 shares you sell in market at pre-deal rate of 700-720. The total value comes to around 83000-84000. I am not even assuming the market risk here.
Best case scenario – 10% gain
Likely scenario – 3-4% gain
And worst case – 6-7% loss
Overall the risk reward are not too attractive, atleast to hold till the tender date.
However you can adopt an alternative approach – Hold your shares for some time and exit when the price approaches 900 levels. That way you will get a decent gain and not face the downside risk. I have to caution you that this would however be a speculative option.
Additional thoughts (not part of the above email)
ABB is currently selling at around 40+ times earnings. It may be undervalued, though I find that very hard to believe. If you share my opinion, then buying the stock at 820-830 levels with the ‘hope’ of selling at a higher price before the buyback would be a speculative position without a valuation support to it. As a result I have given this deal a pass.
Options as insurance
The previous post stirred the pot quite a bit. I received several comments, which I will try to respond via this post. I wrote about my general thought process without getting into the details of the strategy. I will try to explore some thoughts around that in this post.
Strategy not executable in India
Let me clarify something at the outset, namely that the strategy of buying deep out of the money puts to hedge against extreme events (or black swans), works well with long term options. As far as I know, we only have 1-3 month options in India. I think these options are quite fairly priced and any chances of making money on these options due to mispricing are lower than winning a lottery.
I bought some options once (miniscule amount) to just experiment a bit and I think it is very unlikely I will ever buy short term options to hedge or insure my portfolio.
The strategy in my previous post would work well with long term options with durations greater than 9 months. These kind of options are available in the US market and called as LEAPS. I don’t think such options are available in india yet, so I think my strategy would continue to remain on paper till we have such options.
Justifying an approach
I received several comments and more emails which implied that I wanted to dabble in options and I was justifying it by wrapping it up with the logic of value investing. That may very well be the case, though I consciously don’t think so.
Let me give you an analogy. When we buy a car or a house, don’t we buy earthquake or accident insurance? We don’t hope for an earthquake so that we can collect money on the insurance. The purpose of buying insurance is to protect our asset against extreme events. In order to have this peace of mind we end up paying 0.2% or higher of the asset value as insurance.
Long dated, deep out of the money put options can sometimes serve the same purpose. The trick would be to buy when the premiums are low and the market does not expect the crisis. Ofcourse this is hardly do able in India.
Investing for the thrill
I don’t think I am in for the thrill. I have invested in options a few times and you cannot believe the agony I have gone through during the holding period. Options lose value with time, which is called as time decay or Theta. So if you have a 3 month option, you will lose 20-25% of the value in the first month (with everything else remaining the same). As a result, it has pained me to see my options position lose value everyday.
So with options one has to get the timing right too. I am almost 100% sure that I can never get the timing right. So it is unlikely I will buy options repeatedly to try my luck in the market.
Short term hedge
I would rarely want to hedge my portfolio for the short term via options. My approach is to sell overvalued positions or hold on to it through a market drop if I am convinced about the company. As some of you commented on the previous post, buying short term options would just be a waste of money.
All of the above discussion does not mean one should not learn about options. I think it is a topic one should explore and learn. There are quite a few interesting possibilities with long term options, especially during extreme market peaks or bottoms. That ofcourse is a separate topic in itself.
May you live in interesting times
There is a Chinese proverb – ‘May you live in interesting times’ which may be a curse in disguise. The essence of the proverb is that if you want to condemn a person, you would wish that the person encounters ‘interesting’ times or in other words a lot of change and turbulence.
I don’t think anyone has cursed us, but we are definitely living in interesting times. I think the really interesting times started from 2008 and there has been no letup in the excitement.
The Greek tragedy
If you have been following the news, we have quite a situation in Greece. If one leaves aside the nitty gritty of the situation, it can be simply described as living beyond the means. Greece as a country has been spending (the government that is) way beyond its means (tax revenue) and covering up the deficit by borrowing from the market.
They were able to do it for sometime, till things finally came to a head a few days back. The market decided, enough was enough and started hammering the euro and European bonds of countries such as Greece, Spain, Portugal etc. It became quite scary by Thursday when the US and other markets started dropping by 3% or higher and volatility spiked by more than 50%.
The EU and ECB (European central bank) came together over the weekend and have put together a financial package of 600 billion dollars to aid the countries in trouble. This package has calmed the markets for the time being and would give time to countries like Greece, Spain etc to set their house in order. It remains to be seen if they will bite the bullet and fix their deficits. If they do not, then the markets will force them to in due course time.
My reaction
I typically ignore market fluctuations and macroeconomic situations. In this case however, there was a real risk of a market meltdown in Europe and US and a corresponding crash in India.
As I have already stated, I have started liquidating stocks which I would not buy if they dropped by 20% or more. I have already exited my positions in stocks such as VST, Denso, Ingersoll rand and started reducing my positions in IT stocks such as Infosys, Patni and NIIT tech (see my portfolio disclosure here)
My decision to sell is not a macro call. I have no clue how the macro picture will play out in Europe and how it will impact us in India. There are a lot of moving parts to be able to predict and all the opinions in the papers and on the TV are just that – opinions and guesses.
My decision to sell is based purely on valuations and my view of the future prospects of these companies. I am not too optimistic about IT companies at current valuations (key word is current valuations – the companies may still do well in terms of performance).
Exploring options
I am exploring the idea of ‘Deep out of the money’ puts to take advantage of a possible crash in the market due to the European debt issues. There are multiple issues associated with this thought process.
The first issue would be the possible corruption of my value investing philosophy. The general wisdom is that value investors should not dabble in options. Options are more suited for a trading or quantitative approach to investing. I would disagree with that. Value investing is not some religion, where you are either a part of the cult or out of it. Value investing at its core is buying something for less than its value. The ‘something’ can be a stock, option, bond or even a TV. So if I can find an undervalued option, and can evaluate the risk intelligently then it is as much a value buy as a stock.
Options are priced based on a Gaussian distribution (difficult to explain in detail in this post) and hence underprice extreme events. So if a company in question is likely to show great performance in the next one year or crash completely, the options may be underpriced for such a scenario. Similarly, put options may be underpriced if the market crashes due to some extreme event. The risk is ofcourse that the extreme event may not happen and you will be out of the premium you paid for the option.
I have been studying derivatives for sometime and have been analyzing them. Although I still look at them as a hedge or insurance against extreme events, I have been exploring the idea of combining value investing with options.
The main risk I personally face with options is not monetary risk as my positions are very small. If I lose money, it is likely to be a small amount. The bigger risk is that I will look like a complete fool in my own eyes (that I will look like a fool to others is a lesser issue). In order to avoid the regret and learn from my experience, I have started maintaining a daily dairy of my options work and have started recording my thoughts, feelings, actions etc.
As an aside, I bought puts on ICICI bank and some other companies in late 2008 to hedge my portfolio and deposits with these institutions in the extreme event that one of them failed and took my savings down with them.
If you think a value investor should never touch options and I am being foolish to do it, please leave me a comment with your reasoning behind it.
Quick arbitrage: HSBC investdirect
HSBC invest direct recently announced a delisting offer – see here. Ninad has analyzed this deal extensively on his blog (see here and the detailed analysis here). In a nutshell, the company was selling at around 280 per share and as one of the major shareholders had acquired the shares at around the same price, there was a high probability of the delisting price being above this price if the delisting is successful.
This opportunity appeared to have decent odds of making money – in other words the risk reward analysis showed a decent upside in a short period of time although with a real possibility of a loss. I am not repeating the analysis here as it has been done very well on ninad’s blog.
If you are thinking – is there is any original thinking here? You are on the right track – none! I am purely riding ninad’s coattails here :). I have been working with ninad, arpit and few others on various ideas and it has been quite a learning experience for me.
The process
There is a typical price action in a delisting scenario. There is a sudden price jump as soon as the delisting is announced. One has to then analyze the deal and figure out the probability of the delisting being successful and the price at which it will happen. This is a subjective assessment and requires the analysis of several factors as illustrated in ninad’s post. The most crucial aspect is also to evaluate the downside risk.
Once the assessment has been done, the next key step is to start building a position. Typically a few days after the deal announcement, the price may start to drift downwards which is when one can start building a position.
Once the delisting is announced, one has to track the reverse bookbuilding process and monitor the price at which the shares are being tendered. Typically if the tender price is higher than the pre-book building price, the stock price will start moving upwards.
One has to then make a decision on whether to hold on till the end of the book building process or exit at a moderate gain. I typically exit at a moderate gain. If however the tender price at which most of the shares are being is around your purchase price or lower, one should exit as soon as possible.
The result
So how did this short term arbitrage turn out? Fairly well and actually far better than expected.
I created a small position at an average price of around 283 per share and exited completely by Friday at an average price of around 325 for an average gain of 15% in a matter of 15 days.
The price has now jumped to 360+ as the majority of the shares till now have been tendered at 400. The delisting may or may not happen at this price as it depends on the management of the company. I have however exited my position as I was looking at moderate returns and did not want to risk losing money if the median price is not accepted by the management.
For starters, identify smart people and coattail them 🙂
Arbitrage is a fairly profitable activity, especially in a stagnant or down market. It however requires a different mindset – an ability to analyze the deal quickly, take a position and be ready to exit or cut losses at the earliest. It is crucial to manage emotions – both greed and fear as it easy to get carried away.
Email discussion
If you are analyzing a deal or following it and would like to share it or discuss with me, please drop me an email on rohitc99@indiatimes.com with subject line – ‘Spl situation’. I will be glad to share my analysis, if am doing it or analyze the deal otherwise and share my thoughts with you. You can be assured that the discussion would remain private.