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The Warren buffet partnership letters – part II


I have been reading the letters further and have read till the 1965 letter. After initial formal / fact driven style of letters, the latter ones are more informative and one can see the buffet humor in those letter coming through. These letters are closer to the BRK letter from the chairman and i was quite surprised to find example, quotes which buffet has repeated later through his BRK letters.

He discusses the ‘joys of compounding’ in the latter letters and stresses on the importance of compounding at a higher than average rate and the impact on one’s terminal networth.

There is a section on taxes (which has appeared later in the BRK letters) which discusses the importance of focussing on the post tax returns and focussing on investing based on this measure. Buffet points out to the folly of trying to minimise taxes at the cost of the post tax returns. He stresses on focussing on post tax returns and if the course of action enables the investor to save taxes , then thats added benefit. however the ‘means’ should not be confused with the ‘end’.

In addition buffet discusses about a workout (arbitrage) situation as an example. These workout enable buffet to post a great performance during the down markets. The second category is ‘generals’ which is mainly the undervalued stocks and this was the highest proportion of the partnership most of the times.

The third portion is the control situation and buffet has discussed about dempster mills in detail and how he was able to extract value out of it . The point he makes several times is the focus on buying at a such a good price that a mediocore sale is good enough. He even states that buying is 90 % of the task and selling the balance 10%. This is illuminating !!!

i am enjoying reading the letters

Evolution of a Genius – The Warren buffet partnership letters


I have been reading the buffet partnership letters. One of the board members from the MSN – BRK boards emailed the letters to me. I had been looking out for these letters as they cannot be downloaded directly.

I knew of the superb performance of the partnership and was keen on going through these letters as they would give me an idea of how warren buffet has evolved into the greatest investors of all time

What struck me was the clarity of thought, a regular and clear communication of the partnership’s mode of operation and clear setting of expectations from the partnership .

There are a few things which struck me as warren buffet’s core operating belief which one can see in the later years in his BRK letters

– Warren buffet stresses repeatedly on the long term performance (and long term focus) v/s a short term focus

– circle of competence : focussed on investing in undervalued stocks , workouts – arbitrage , and control situation. These themes evolved into Berkshire hathaway ( control ) and the equity portfolio ( undervalued stocks )

– refusal to predict the stock market and trying to profit from it – warren buffet talks about it right from the time he started the partnership.

As i read the letters from 1957 onwards , i could see the letters increase in length (maybe warren buffet wanted to share his mode of working with the partners as the partnership grew), more discussion on his thought process ( and thenbuffet jokes / wit appearing more often )

i am still halfway through the letters and finding them very interesting

Quarterly results season is upon us


Initial analysis shows good performance from major companies. Major companies continue to do well. The profit growth is good. Return on capital is good. This is inspite of supply side inflation due to rising oil and commodity prices, high competition.

The market at 6500 does not look too expensive , provided corporate india is able maintain its return on capital (read efficiency), inflation remains moderate and the goverment doesnt do something stupid.

Most of the news channel / website are talking of record highs in the stock market. This is clearly rear mirror view. The absolute level of the stock market does not matter. The current levels should be analysed keeping in mind the following factors

1) return on capital for corporate india – currently 20% plus

2) inflation – moderate inspite of oil prices

3) robust demand

All in all the overall corporate performance gives me confidence to hold on to my positions , maybe add to a few too

Is the indian stock market expensive ?


I would value the market like a stock ( the Sensex or the nifty is essentially a combination 30 or 50 stocks )

I would look at three factors to judge whether market is expensive or cheap

a) The current return on equity of the market as a whole

b) The current interest rates

c) The forward growth rate expected of the market

a and b are facts and c an estimate and hence any judgement is an estimate.

The current rate is around 18-20 % ( i do have exact numbers ). The interest rates (risk free) is around 7 % . Both these numbers from historical perspective are better than the average.The returns have been a bit lower and the interest rates a bit higher.

The forward growth rate can be conservatively be estimated at atleast the GDP growth of 5 % ( last decade number ). In reality it has been around 10 % but it always pays to be conservative

So with these three inputs and with some historical perspective that the average PE of indian markets have been 15-16 on average , we can assume that the market is slightly undervalued (from a long term perspective)

If the indian industry keeps doing well ( rate of return holds) and the inflation does not spike, the current levels do not look overlvalued

In my entire analysis there are’nt too many hard figures …only expectations and assumptions

Well any ‘expert’ or layman (like mine) opinion is just that – a set of expectations and assumption which subsequent events can invalidate

So what i am doing – well for one not selling the index ( which one can through futures or ETF ) , but not buying too , because the market does not give a ‘margin of safety’ at these levels


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