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Increasing circle of competence


Found this Q&A buffett had with University of Kansas Business School Students. As usual the Q&A was a learning experience for me. In particular I found the following reply interesting

Q: What sources of investment ideas are available today?
WEB: First, you need two piles. You have to segregate businesses you can understand and reasonably predict from those you don’t understand and can’t reasonable predict. An example is chewing gum versus software. You also have to recognize what you can and can not know. Put everything you can’t understand or that is difficult to predict in one pile. That is the too hard pile. Once you know the other pile, then its important to read a lot, learn about the industries, get background information, etc. on the companies in those piles. Read a lot of 10Ks and Qs, etc. Read about the competitors. I don’t want to know the price of the stock prior to my analysis. I want to do the work and estimate a value for the stock and then compare that to the current offering price. If I know the price in advance it may influence my analysis (emphasis mine). We’re getting ready to make a $5 billion investment and this was the process I used.
I used to handicap horse racing. The odds had to add to 100%. Sometimes there would be what in horse racing is referred to as an “overlay”. We’re looking for overlays in the stock market. It’s like a treasure hunt.
You can increase your sources of investment ideas by widening your circle of competence. I’ve widened my circle over the years. I only needed to understand insurance in 1951. There were enough opportunities in that sector alone.

The above answer had me thinking. I have been making an effort in trying to learn about various industries and deepen and wide my circle of competence. The process I am following is

– pick up an industry and identify the major players in the industry
– If available, read a sector analysis report from any major brokerage firm: These reports give me good starting point and allow me to develop an initial understanding of the industry
– Use the initial understanding to build my ‘industry analysis’ worksheet
– Come up with additional questions (in terms of the competitive dynamics of the industry)
– Read the AR for the major companies (initially for the current year and then for the previous)
– Update the ‘industry analysis’
– Do valuation analysis for some of the companies which may be cheap

At the end of the above process I may find some companies worth investing. A lot of times I draw a blank. But I guess it is fine because as long as I keep doing this and improving my circle of competence, opportunities will come up.

Accouting standards and EDIFAR links


Added two links under ‘OTHER’ – one for the ICAI accounting standards and the other for EDIFAR, which the SEBI database for all the filings from listed companies.

Not exactly exciting stuff, but fairly important for an investor. I think as an investor it is crucial for me to understand the various accounting standards well and the EDIFAR database is good source of data on any company which I want to investigate. I typically read through analyst reports as a starting point (ignoring their recommendation) and then follow it up by looking at these filings for detailed information on the company.

Can offshore outsourcers end reign of Big Six?


Found this article on on the trend in IT outsourcing industry in the near term

Almost $100 billion in outsourcing contracts will be up for grabs in the next two years, and big players including Accenture, Electronic Data Systems and IBM could feel their grip on the market weaken due to more competition from offshore companies.

My personal view point is that indian IT services companies like infosys, wipro etc will continue to gain market share and will show high growth for the next few years. Will the profit margin hold at the current levels. I think odds are against it. With the kind wage pressures already being felt and with dollar / foreign currency risks etc, I think the odds are that margin would come down over a period of time. More likely that the margins would drop by a few points every year till stabilise at 8-10 % (or maybe a bit higher). The key variable would how long will this take ? frankly I don’t have an idea. But I think it would be key variable for the current valuations to hold. If the slide is fast, then it would be difficult for the current valuations to hold up.

Google to touch 2000 $ !!!


Saw this recommendation on google. With google crossing 450$, I think analyst are tripping over each other in raising their price targets.

Gives me a feeling of deja-vu – remember year 2000, right after the internet bubble burst – when the conventional thought was that companies like e-bay, CISCO could not go down, because these companies had solid business models, were dominant in their industries and had a fantastic future ahead of them.

The recommendation also notes the following

Stahlman said he reached his estimate for $2,000 a share using a multiple of enterprise value, which adds market capitalization, preferred equity and debt and subtracts cash.
That’s based on the 6.2 multiple commanded by Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft Corp., the world’s largest software maker and the company most often equated with Google as a competitor and model, he said.

Wow !! how can google be equated with microsoft ?? Don’t get me wrong …google is a great company and I love google product (I cant think of a day when I have not used the search engine). But google is not a monopoly by any stretch of imagination (which microsoft was for quite some time for OS and office products). Going forward the competition is only going to increase and I cannot think of goggle controlling the internet the way microsoft had a lock on the desktop.

The analyst predicts a sale of 100 billion some time in the future (does’nt say when) and the price of 2000 gives google a Mcap of 0.5 trillon dollars (500 billion !!!). Assuming google is doing extremely well even then, and has a Net profit margin of 20 % (current is 25 %), which I think is not very likely (but still lets assume for the sake of it). The PE at that time would still be around 25.

How many 100 billion dollar companies can grow at above average rates ?
How many 100 billion dollar companies have a net profit margin of 20 % or higher in a global market and can sustain it ?
How many 100 billion dollar companies have growths high enough to justify a PE of 25 ?

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the the universe.” – Albert Einstein

update : 01/20/2006

read views on google from bill miller. According to him the value of google could twice of the current price. At the same time following comments from him are worth noting

He said Google’s (Research) market-implied growth rate is about 28 percent. Consensus numbers for the company point to a 5-year growth rate of 33 percent to 35 percent, which then slows over the next 12 years to that of the overall economy, he said.
“The theoretical value of Google is still substantially higher than the market price. So the theoretically justified market cap under those assumptions is in the $240 billion range,” Miller said earlier this week.

Miller, who takes a long view on stocks and has low portfolio turnover, said there are still many unknowns about Google. Many companies start with great promise and then something goes awry and they disappear, he said.

Another topic at the bull session was whether Google’s users were “locked in” to its model, the way customers of Microsoft’s Windows operating system are, said John Miller, an economist at Carnegie Mellon University.
“Suppose you do have the best search engine. The big question is how sticky are the users,” he said.
In theory, customers could easily use a search engine other than Google, but Bill Miller said the fact that Google’s market share is stable suggests that a “psychological lock-in” driven by brand loyalty is keeping them coming back. (emphasis mine)


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