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Actions in the Fog of War


From my recent note to subscribers,

To all subscribers,

I have been writing to all of you for the last few weeks as I became concerned about the Corona virus Epidemic by the mid to late Feb when our small caps positions started behaving differently.

As I thought through the situation, I could not see a scenario where this epidemic could be stopped without causing a huge disruption to economic activity. That was my reason for saying that Tail risks were not priced into the market.

That scenario is now playing out across the globe. We are seeing shutdown of entire regions now. This is what I meant by economic sudden stop.

If you notice, I arranged all my posts in a neat narrative as if all of this could be predicted with perfect foresight. The reality is that things are moving very fast and continue to be murky. We have yet to see the second and higher order effects of this crisis as it depends on how long the shutdown will continue.

For now, there are all kinds of opinions on how long this will last and when the economy will come back. I think the most important variable is how quickly the spread of this virus is contained across the globe. That is something, no one knows for sure (and everyone hopes is short).

We are making decisions in the fog of war. We will get some of them wrong, but the focus is to get a good percentage right. As you can see in the last few weeks, I have changed my thinking and cash levels in response to the data which was coming in (at a rapid rate). That is likely to continue and as a result, my thinking and decision will change as the situation changes.

The cash level is at 42% of the model portfolio, partly from selling down some of our positions and balance due to the drop in the portfolio. We had closed the year at around 23% cash level and have raised it by 40% in the last few weeks.

I want to share the following actions from a financial standpoint

  • Please ensure that you have at least 6-9 months of cash or FDs so that you can take care of your expenses if there is a loss of income. This will help you remain rational and avoid panic selling to meet expenses.
  • It is going to emotionally tough and gut wrenching to remain invested. Your mind and emotions will scream at you to get out. It will be a torture to put money into the market and lose 20-30% in a matter of days
  • I maintain a list of 200+ companies which I track from time to time. I have been working on this list for the last few weeks and updating them. The buy candidates will be from this list. I am in no hurry to rush in.
  • My focus is not to time the market or pick the bottom for specific companies. I am focused on ensuring that we pick companies which can make it through. If a company survives the next 6-12 months, the stock will do well.
  • I am not too concerned about valuations. At the current rate, valuations are dropping rapidly and if we pick robust companies, then returns will take care of themselves
  • It is a given that I will get the timing wrong. I will either buy too early or too late. I hope you have already realized that and are fine with it.

Economic sudden stop


I wrote this note over the weekend to my subscribers. This is a hypothesis based on how events have played out across countries. Things could get better, but the probability of that happening in the near term keeps reducing by the day. We are seeing the first order and maybe the second order impact of the Pandemic.


What is an economic sudden stop – It is when most economics activities for a location come to a sudden stop due to a financial or natural disaster. In most cases such sudden stops are local such as due to a flood or an earthquake.

On rare occasions we get economic sudden stops at country level due to economic reasons – think of Asian currency crises in 1997.

Global sudden stops are extremely rare and have happened only during the great depression in 1930s and 2008. Even during wars, we do not have such a situation.

The current crises has the potential of an economic sudden stop (and may have started). I have been thinking of this risk (which I have been referred to as a Tail risk). Over the weekend, I drew the following crude picture to illustrate my hypothesis (please excuse my drawing).

Key points

  • Due to the exponential nature of the spread of this infection, most countries have under-reacted in the beginning.
  • Once the numbers cross the threshold, a country has an Oh shit ! moment. US and Europe had it last week. I don’t think India has had it yet.
  • Once we cross this moment, we enter the panic phase quickly where all economic activity slows down dramatically as the country stops travel, and all kinds of social and business events which involve more than a handful of people (update : US has banned all events for > 50 people)
  • We will not see a gradual slowdown of economic activity. It will drop off the cliff.
  • As you can see from the picture, economic activity will resume (slowly) as the situation normalizes. As of today, we cannot predict when it will happen as it depends on both the domestic and International situation.
  • This is a major event and will permanently change the behavior of Individuals and Countries. Its too early to predict what will happen

Action plan

  • The focus should be on making through this event – both health-wise (both self and family) and financially
  • As I shared earlier, I will not try to rush into the market based on valuations alone. Depending on how things play out, the financials and even viability of a lot of business will change

Tail risks


I published this note to subscribers on 12th March, just the day before markets went haywire. I was feeling that Indian markets were not pricing in the Tail risks. That has changed since then. We are now seeing extreme volatility in the markets now.


I wrote last week about the developing risks around the Corona virus epidemic. The main reason for raising cash was the concern I have around ‘Tail Risks’

What is a Tail Risk ? As per Wikipedia – Tail risk, sometimes called “fat tail risk,” is the financial risk of an asset or portfolio of assets moving more than 3 standard deviations from its current price, above the risk of a normal distribution. Prudent asset managers are typically cautious with tail risk involving losses which could damage or ruin portfolios, and not the beneficial tail risk of outsized gains.

The corona virus represents a tail risk in my mind. Even if we assume the health risk is low (I don’t know about that), the risk of an economic panic is quite high. I have been tracking the US markets and industries which are being hit due to this Epidemic. Industries in the travel and tourism space, have been hit hard. Travel and airline bookings have collapsed and places like Macau (casino in China) have reported an 87% drop in bookings.

The recent PMI (purchasing manager’s index) for China reported an all time low (lower than 2008). In effect economic activity is at a standstill in China (and now in Italy too). There are reports that it is re-starting, but it would take time as people are not going to forget about this event overnight and resume all the normal activities.

The bigger concern now is the spread of the virus in Europe and US (where it has been handled very poorly). US has been behind the curve and has yet to resume large scale testing. When that happens, the number of cases could increase, leading to slowdown in the economic activity. The US market is already starting to discount these concerns

Adding fuel to the fire

There could not have been a worse time for a large bank to Fail. Yes Bank which was on a life support, was finally taken over by the government (sort of). There is a moratorium on  withdrawals by depositors as RBI works through resolving the situation. SBI is likely to invest around 2500 Crs for a 49% stake with the rest coming from other investors.

I have serious concerns about this event. In response I wrote the following on twitter

The true franchise value of a bank is on the liability side – aka trust of the depositor. The depositor is your true customer from whom you make money – Interest spread (NIM) and other income from selling financial products. Lose the depositor and value of a bank = 0

If you want to ‘save’ a bank, ensure that the depositors have 100% faith on the bank. No doubts, ifs, buts and maybe. Look at how FDIC in the US resolves troubled banks. It comes from the experience of bank failures in the 1930s during depression

The long-term risk with the way Yes bank has been rescued, is the loss of Trust of ‘depositors’ with the banking system. Giving aspirin to a patient with cardiac arrest does not help. As Yoda once said – Do or Do not, there is no Try

I am very concerned the way this Bail out has been in done. In the US, such bailouts are done by the FDIC swiftly, without the customer realizing that ownership has changed until much later. Typically, FDIC agents land up at a troubled bank on a Friday, take over the bank and change the management over the weekend. When the bank opens on Monday, there is no change for the end customer. For them, there are no restrictions on withdrawals and life goes on as usual. A few days later they are informed that the bank name or owner has changed which has zero impact on them.

The above approach which was developed during the 1930s depression to avoids panic and helps in resolving a failed bank without causing a run on it.

In the case of Yes bank, the restriction on withdrawals mean that customers will continue to withdraw till they have their entire money out. Put yourself in a customers’ shoe – why would you risk your life savings/ cash with a small upside and the risk (even if imagined) of losing it all.

Is this an IL&FS repeat

The unfortunate answer is yes and this time around the general public has been impacted. When IL&FS collapsed, the impact was felt by corporates, NBFCs and mutual funds (debt funds). The general public was not impacted to the same extent.

This time around the impact is being felt by a much wider segment of the population. I believe that the government will not let the bank fail (as they have stated) and depositors will not lose money. However, the trauma of seeing your money blocked for a period of time will be high. A bank depositor never signs up for this.

The timing for this event is very unfortunate. IL&FS happened when the global economy was moving along fine. We have a major event occurring globally and now the problem with Yes bank is sure to add to the risk aversion.

Expect volatility

I exited/ reduced our position in financials and avoided any further investments in financials in 2019. We are seeing a repeat of sept 2018 now in the form of price reaction. The difference is that our exposure to the financial services space is much lower and hence the impact for us is muted.

As it occurred in 2018, the impact of these events will be felt in the coming months and in surprising places . Our portfolio will be impacted by these events and I don’t think there is any place to hide (other than cash).

If you are not fully invested and plan to add based on the model portfolio, I would recommend staggering your purchases. In terms of the cash in the portfolio, I plan to add new positions in the coming weeks/ months. I am not in a hurry to do so. We will take our time and not try to pick the bottom of this market. The key will be to invest in companies which can survive the tough environment and thrive when the tide turns.

Battening down the hatches


I published the following note (with edits) to subscribers on 1st march before things started going downhill in a hurry. I have another note going out which will be posted here soon.


I have been watching the events around the Corona virus for the last few weeks and started seeing some impact on our portfolio, towards the end of January. I wrote a note – Why are we suffering, sharing the observation that our portfolio was behaving in a bi-polar fashion. The so-called quality stocks which have higher predictability of growth, were holding steady while the cyclical positions were being beaten down as if all these companies were headed to bankruptcy.

In hindsight, this behavior seemed to be a reaction to the risks which were developing in the global economy due to the Corona virus.

In the last few days, these risks have risen substantially. I am not an expert in these things, but the preliminary data seems to point to a high infection rate (also called R0 which is around 2.2 versus 1.3 for common flu, which means one person can infect two others). At the same time, the mortality from this infection is around 1.2-1.5%.

The above numbers are preliminary and likely to change. However, a few things have become obvious in the last 2 weeks

  • The transmission rate is quite high, which means that there is high risk of the infection spreading globally
  • We have already crossed or maybe are at the brink of crossing the point of containing the infection. Again, there is a lot of confusion around this point
  • In the worst-case scenario, even if the mortality rate is low, the absolute number of deaths will be high

Unfortunately, in India, we are quite used to such infections in our main cities due to poor levels of sanitation. We tend to take such events in a stride. However, this is not the case globally. Irrespective of the trajectory of this epidemic, there is a high level of fear across the globe. This is leading to a big slowdown across the globe as companies stop travel and governments quarantine portions of the population.

We are seeing the first order effects of the above event. Like the ILFS event in India, which had a domino effect on NBFC, real estate and the overall economy, the second and higher order effects will take time and will show up in surprising places. In my view, it is too early, and I would say impossible to predict how this situation will evolve (for better or worse).

I have reduced the position size for the three companies where I think the medium-term growth prospects were moderate and valuations continue to be on the higher side. I have raised the cash levels so that we have dry powder available to pick opportunities as they arise.

We have 30% cash in the portfolio now

If we are lucky, everything will return to normal and markets will resume their normal course. However, if the risks of a pandemic increase, we will see a lot of selling in the market. This selling will not be rational, and it will not be tied to the fundamentals of a company. In such panics, people sell whatever they can.

I have no plans of burying my head in the sand. If prices get attractive for some of the companies I have been tracking, we will add them to the model portfolio even if the prices continue to fall. I am willing to bear more pain in the portfolio as I think this will eventually pass.


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