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HPCL – a quick review


I had written about HPCL earlier (see here). To recap, my main thesis was as follows.

HPCL now sells at around 9000 crores. The EV is around 10000-11000 crores at best. The replacement value of the assets is around 25000-30000 crs. The company is selling at 25-30% of replacement value, which can reduce due to the following reasons

1. The company is currently engaged in diversifying its revenue streams via various initiatives and reduce the impact of the pig headed policies of the government. These initiatives are lube marketing, Gas distribution and retail initiatives and oil trading and risk management. The market is currently not valuing any of these real options.
2. The GRM and net refining margins are at their lowest. Going forward the worst case sceanrio is that they would remain at the same level. If that is the case, the bottom line should still improve as the various company intiatives take effect (see page 53 of Annual report)
3. The 9 MMT refinery and expansion of Vizag refinery to 15 MMT and export of the petro-products and E&P activities should help the company improve its margins going forward.

So what is the situation now ? Well the company is selling at around 400 Rs/ share and the gap has now reduced to around 40% of replacement value. It is easy to declare that the original thesis has been validated. However although I think that the above reasons are still valid, they are not responsible for the reduction in the gap. I expected these reasons to play out over 1-2 years. However in the current bull run, each and every listed stock is rising almost every other day. HPCL is no different. That said, I am not complaining if I have been lucky.

These are interesting times in the market. The market is now at a PE of almost 27. Almost 1000+ stocks are now at a 52 week high and any stock which one could have picked in the last 6 months has risen. I cannot speak for others, but for me it is time to be cautious. Frankly I am having diffculty finding good ideas. It has almost become like searching for a needle in a haystack. However for me doing nothing is better than doing something stupid.

Disclosure: I have a position in the stock. As always please see the disclaimer too.

Reading the Book – The Black swan


I am currently reading the book – The Black swan by N N Taleb. This is a great book on low probability, high impact events which are termed as black swans.

I am still in the middle of this book. One key point which I came across is ‘confirmation bias’ on which the author has devoted a complete chapter.

The basic idea behind confirmation bias is that once we make a decision, we tend to look for evidence to confirm it. As a result we tend to ignore any negative information which could refute our decision. As a corollary to this concept, any additional information is of no use as it would only re-inforce the decision and not add any more value to the decision making process.

Like others, I am equally susceptible to this bias. My approach to reduce its impact is to write a single page thesis on an investment idea and sometimes post it on my blog. I try to gather negative information and also prefer to get negative feedback on my idea. That helps me in wieghing all negative information and arrive at a better decision (hopefully).

I am not sure if I have been entirely successfull in it, but I have rejected a few ideas after selecting them, once I was pointed out some key information (which I had missed out). In a few other cases, the negative information, which I had missed earlier resulted in reducing my estimate of intrinsic value for the stock – for ex: I missed the impact of liabilities in the case of VST. As a result I ended up taking a smaller position

And I am out !


For sake of disclosure, let me say that I have started exiting my position in MRO-TEK. The stock is almost at 95 and has shown an 80% rise in the last one month. It is now above my calculation of intrinsic value for the stock.

I can see the thrill of momentum investing – instant gratification. In spite of the thrill, I am not planning on changing my approach which I understand well, and have become comfortable with, over the years. In general I have seen my picks rise and approach intrinsic value in 1-2 years. That allows me to analyse the company in detail and build a decent position. Sometime I have been able to even average down on the stock as the price went lower and I developed a better understanding of the company.

A case like MRO-TEK is not really suited to my style of investing. Too soon, too fast. If the stock moves up very fast, I lose interest if it crosses my buy levels as I cannot complete the analysis and would hate to create a big position without understanding the company in depth. This approach is ofcourse contrary to most investors. However I do not have such an approach for the sake of being contrary or just because it is a smarter approach. It is just that with my time constraints and risk aversion, I prefer to analyse a company in detail before I invest in it.

Will the stock go higher …? I have no clue and am not planning to play the stock on that.

As always, please read my disclaimer

From Value to momentum – MRO TEK


I generally select and buy stocks where the general enthusiam for them is very low. None of my picks shoot up after I have bought them and so when a few did in the last few months, it was a new experience for me.

One such pick was MRO-TEK. I started looking at the Company a few weeks back when the stock was at around 52 per share. My analysis was as follows

The company is primarily into end-to-end solutions and hardware/products-provider in data communications, data access and networking fields, offering a wide range of sophisticated LAN/WAN products.
The company has a JV with RAD corporation and a few other technical collaborations. The company had a split of 30-70 of manufacturing v/s trading a few years back. In the recent years, the split has reversed to around 70-30 in terms of revenue

The company has had very erratic performance. The projections which the company made at the time of the IPO in 2000, were never met (by a huge margin). Since then the performance has been one step forward and one step back. The ROE has fluctuated between 5 and 15 %. Topline has also fluctuated and has grown by 9% per annum and the Net profit has also grown by roughly the same amount.

The margins have held steady at 9-10% and the asset turns have improved from 1.2 to 2.6

The company has maintained its margins and improved its efficiency ratios. Wcap ratio has improved from 1.5 to 6 due to improvement in inventory and recievable turns. The company has freed up cash and as a result has no debt and almost 40 Crs of cash on the balance sheet.
The company recently completed a buyback program using the surplus cash. The promoters have also been increasing their holding % in the last few years. The company has been paying a decent dividend with a DPS/EPS of around 30-40%.

Although the management appears rational, pro-shareholder and is trying to create value, their performance has not been up to the mark. Reading the annual report reminds me of kids in school, who study hard and have the right work ethic, but still manage to flunk one or two subjects each year.
The company operates in a very competitive field with competition from likes of CISCO and LUCENT etc. This industry involves a lot of new technology, high R&D expenditure and high rates of obsolescence. MRO has only recently started investing in R&D and till recent past was mainly a distributor of networking products.

My personal estimate of intrinsic value was around Rs 90/ share. At 52 / share, the company was not a screaming buy, but worth creating an initial position.
I am not too optimistic on the long term economics of the company as this is a very small company in a fast paced and competitive industry. As a result it is diffcult for the company to operate at the top end of the product range and make good margins. Due to my lack of confidence on sustained good performance I conservatively estimated the intrinsic value at around 90 /share

Post script
Once I complete the analysis, I write a single page note detailing my investment thesis. This is more to record my thoughts at the time of the decision. It is useful to keep such notes as I can check them again later and check if my assumptions were true or not.

Well in this case, it never came to that. Almost from the next day the stock suddenly caught the fancy of the market. Somehow everyone has a very different opinion and as a result the stock is up almost 50-60% since then. In my case after creating an initial position, I stop buying it. Personally I buy at 40-50% of my estimate of intrinsic value and if the stock sells above that I don’t do anything. You may think I am leaving money on the table, but I prefer to follow a discplined approach. In my case I am not comfortable with trading and momentum plays and prefer to leave it to other who are better at it.

Valuation logic – 2008 EPS around 6-7 / share
PE ( will explain logic for this in a different post ) = 9-10
Cash / share = 40 Rs/ share
Total = 94 – 110 Rs/share


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