
Dollar depreciation will stress test the Indian offshore model


Most of the Indian IT/ ITES companies have good margins and high return on capital. They quote a fairly high PE’s.
If the reports are to be believed, a dollar depreciation is a high probability event. When will it happen and whether it would be rapid or slow and measured is the question. Most of the economist / financial commentators agree that dollar has only one direction to go in the long run and that is down. Now even the asian central bankers who are biggest buyers of US treasury seem to be acting on that.

Estimates show that a +1% appreciation of dollar would cause the margins to drop by 0.5 % ( or more …i don’t have the exact number ).

So hypothetically speaking if the appreciation is 10 % ( a probable outcome ) , then margins could drop by 5 – 10 %. Add to that wage inflation in india and increased competition , the Offshore business would come under severe stress.

This is not to say that the offshore trend will stop or the companies will go bankrupt or something, rather indian companies will have to learn to live with lower margins

This could see some weak companies getting washed out and the current darling could see their high multiples which the stock market gives them, being reduced.

So add a reduction in margins and drop in multiples and that gives you a picture of what could happen to the stock price.

Charlie Munger’s biograhy – 2


I have completed almost 100 pages of the biography. Several nuggets of wisdom and learnings come through. One thing which strikes is the honesty and fairness with which charlie has always conducted his affairs.

There is an incident in the book. Guerin ( if i have not got his name wrong ) joined charlie as a partner in the munger , wheeler and Co. ( which was an investment partneship modelled after the buffet partnership ). To start with guerin was not too rich when he joined munger in this partnership.
During the course of their dealing , they accquired a chemical company ( as an aside that too is an intersting tale of how they accquired it ). some time later , guerin wanted to cash out his portion of the deal. He valued it as 200000 usd and would have been happy with it. Munger remarked that he was wrong and it was closer to 300000 usd. His remark was to the effect ‘if you think hard about it , you will agree with me because you are smart and i am right’

As you go through the book, you realise that munger has always been fair and honest in all his dealing and has never tried to cut corners. This is admirable because there are enough examples of rich people who have cut corners. But buffet and munger are people who have achieved their success with out cutting corners. To use a quote from the book , which munger uses ‘To avoid envy from other , you should deserve your success’

Charlie munger’s biography


i have been reading this biography for the last few days. Doing it for the second time. I have always admired charlie munger for his wisdom and the perspective he brings to investing, business and life in general.

i have read and re-read his talks on – mental models : multipdiscplinary approach to investing, his talk on 24 type of human misjudgement and several others. These talks are phenomenal and has opened an entirely new way of thinking for me .

I can say that along with warren buffet, charlie munger has influenced me a lot.

A few learnings from charlie biography for me have been
– act honorably / honestly . Treat people fairly. You never know when you will meet them again
– money is means to an end. It helps you to achieve financial freedom so that you can do what you love. money should not be an end in itself
– be rational. Rationality is more important than IQ
– keep an open mind . Always be inquisite . learning is a life long process
– learn from as many disciplines as possible. As charlie say – To a man with a hammer , every problem is like a nail. Learn the key models , and try to use them to solve problems
– reading should be with a purpose in mind. It should help one in building one’s knowledge

i could go on and on. frankly enjoying myself reading this biography for the second. i am also looking forward to charlie’s new book which is coming out in may.

if anyone is interested in his speeches , let me know. would be glad to share it. not sure if i can post them here .

The rise of LN Mittal – lessons for investors


LN mittal has been in limelight for quite some. He is now in limelight for being the third richest person in the world. everyone seems to be focussing on his networth. I am more interested in how he got there

i have read about him in the past and read about him in an article in the economic times. His key skill is in identifying bankrupt , beaten down steel plants / companies . He is able to value this company correctly and acquire it at that price ( in may cases the owner or goverment is desperate to offload it ). He then proceeds to turn it around and make it profitable.

By applying this strategy across the globe in various situations, LN mittal has been able to build an empire , cut cost and initiate consolidation in this industry.

The following comes to mind on seeing this happen

– A company in the commodity industry can have a sustainable competetive advantages from two sources – superior management and enduring low cost position ( which is also dependent on a superior management )

– Consolidation in a commodity industry improves the profitability of the top firms as it gives them better pricing power.

– mittal steel it seems also is vertically integrated in ore and coke ( two key raw materials ). So with horizontal consolidation, he is also vertically consolidating. This gives him better pricing power.

– He is expanding into new geography and trying to closer to demand ( China / India etc ). This will give him flexibility in the future to manage demand fluctuations. Other companies across the world are restricted to some geography and so if the demand drops in that region , they are in deep trouble.

What is happening also highlights another point of the importance of a good management for commodity industry. Bad managements in the steel industry have run their companies aground and have been in red for quite some time. Recent demand surge and firm prices have given them a lease of life ( and they are promptly started increasing capacity ). Lets see how they manage the next downturn.

LN mittal’s story has been a live case study for me see how a superior management can make a difference even in a commodity industry ( and that too as bad as steel ). vice versa a commodity industry cannot tolerate bad management ( a franchise company like FMCG can for some time )

That he is an indian is beside the point. The sad part is we are happy that an ‘indian’ has made it !! sad because , he could not have achieved it in india …he had to leave the country to achieve his ambitions. Hopefully in the future we will not force such people to look outside the country and would provide the atmosphere within the country

The Warren buffet partnership letters – Protecting the down side


One of the things warren buffet repeats across his letter is his focus on limiting the downside to his portfolio. He considers a performance of -10% v/s -20 % of Dow better than a +20% v/s +10% of the dow. This clearly demonstrates the fact (which he has pointed out too ) that the portfolio was unconventional but also had a lower risk.
Warren buffet had put this approach in the inital letters and made it one of the key objectives in managing the portfolio.
The above approach bring to mind the quote from buffet –
rule 1 – Dont lose money
Rule 2 – dont forget rule 1

This is a very powerful approach to manage a portfolio. If one is convinced that the stock market would do well over the long term , and can limit the downside of the portfolio during bear markets , then as even buffet acknowldeged ,even if one cannot match the market on the upside , one should come out fine.

The Warren buffet partnership letters – part II


I have been reading the letters further and have read till the 1965 letter. After initial formal / fact driven style of letters, the latter ones are more informative and one can see the buffet humor in those letter coming through. These letters are closer to the BRK letter from the chairman and i was quite surprised to find example, quotes which buffet has repeated later through his BRK letters.

He discusses the ‘joys of compounding’ in the latter letters and stresses on the importance of compounding at a higher than average rate and the impact on one’s terminal networth.

There is a section on taxes (which has appeared later in the BRK letters) which discusses the importance of focussing on the post tax returns and focussing on investing based on this measure. Buffet points out to the folly of trying to minimise taxes at the cost of the post tax returns. He stresses on focussing on post tax returns and if the course of action enables the investor to save taxes , then thats added benefit. however the ‘means’ should not be confused with the ‘end’.

In addition buffet discusses about a workout (arbitrage) situation as an example. These workout enable buffet to post a great performance during the down markets. The second category is ‘generals’ which is mainly the undervalued stocks and this was the highest proportion of the partnership most of the times.

The third portion is the control situation and buffet has discussed about dempster mills in detail and how he was able to extract value out of it . The point he makes several times is the focus on buying at a such a good price that a mediocore sale is good enough. He even states that buying is 90 % of the task and selling the balance 10%. This is illuminating !!!

i am enjoying reading the letters

Evolution of a Genius – The Warren buffet partnership letters


I have been reading the buffet partnership letters. One of the board members from the MSN – BRK boards emailed the letters to me. I had been looking out for these letters as they cannot be downloaded directly.

I knew of the superb performance of the partnership and was keen on going through these letters as they would give me an idea of how warren buffet has evolved into the greatest investors of all time

What struck me was the clarity of thought, a regular and clear communication of the partnership’s mode of operation and clear setting of expectations from the partnership .

There are a few things which struck me as warren buffet’s core operating belief which one can see in the later years in his BRK letters

– Warren buffet stresses repeatedly on the long term performance (and long term focus) v/s a short term focus

– circle of competence : focussed on investing in undervalued stocks , workouts – arbitrage , and control situation. These themes evolved into Berkshire hathaway ( control ) and the equity portfolio ( undervalued stocks )

– refusal to predict the stock market and trying to profit from it – warren buffet talks about it right from the time he started the partnership.

As i read the letters from 1957 onwards , i could see the letters increase in length (maybe warren buffet wanted to share his mode of working with the partners as the partnership grew), more discussion on his thought process ( and thenbuffet jokes / wit appearing more often )

i am still halfway through the letters and finding them very interesting

Quarterly results season is upon us


Initial analysis shows good performance from major companies. Major companies continue to do well. The profit growth is good. Return on capital is good. This is inspite of supply side inflation due to rising oil and commodity prices, high competition.

The market at 6500 does not look too expensive , provided corporate india is able maintain its return on capital (read efficiency), inflation remains moderate and the goverment doesnt do something stupid.

Most of the news channel / website are talking of record highs in the stock market. This is clearly rear mirror view. The absolute level of the stock market does not matter. The current levels should be analysed keeping in mind the following factors

1) return on capital for corporate india – currently 20% plus

2) inflation – moderate inspite of oil prices

3) robust demand

All in all the overall corporate performance gives me confidence to hold on to my positions , maybe add to a few too

Is the indian stock market expensive ?


I would value the market like a stock ( the Sensex or the nifty is essentially a combination 30 or 50 stocks )

I would look at three factors to judge whether market is expensive or cheap

a) The current return on equity of the market as a whole

b) The current interest rates

c) The forward growth rate expected of the market

a and b are facts and c an estimate and hence any judgement is an estimate.

The current rate is around 18-20 % ( i do have exact numbers ). The interest rates (risk free) is around 7 % . Both these numbers from historical perspective are better than the average.The returns have been a bit lower and the interest rates a bit higher.

The forward growth rate can be conservatively be estimated at atleast the GDP growth of 5 % ( last decade number ). In reality it has been around 10 % but it always pays to be conservative

So with these three inputs and with some historical perspective that the average PE of indian markets have been 15-16 on average , we can assume that the market is slightly undervalued (from a long term perspective)

If the indian industry keeps doing well ( rate of return holds) and the inflation does not spike, the current levels do not look overlvalued

In my entire analysis there are’nt too many hard figures …only expectations and assumptions

Well any ‘expert’ or layman (like mine) opinion is just that – a set of expectations and assumption which subsequent events can invalidate

So what i am doing – well for one not selling the index ( which one can through futures or ETF ) , but not buying too , because the market does not give a ‘margin of safety’ at these levels

Franklin’s Way to Wealth Updated!


Mistermarket has posted a terrific post on the Motley fool Berkshire Hathaway Board. A good summary of graham – buffet principles


In honor of Ben Franklin’s The Way to Wealth, I recently decided to follow Franklin’s format and draft an allegory that pertains to intelligent investment. For those unfamiliar with Franklin’s The Way to Wealth, do yourself a favor and go buy it over the holiday. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy an updated, albeit, slightly skewed format and context.

Happy Holiday.


Courteous Reader,

I should like to recount for you the events and dialogue, which I observed recently in mixed company. As has been my practice for several years now, observing the market on a daily basis, I consider my self-education to be rather well versed on the general investment philosophies of today and yesterday. Moreover, considering the voluminous data and often conflicting information generated by the financial markets, I regarded myself most fortunate to have happened upon the forum that I am about to describe to you. The investment insights shared herein remind me that the fundamentals are critical to intelligent investment and serve as confirmation of Charlie Munger’s claim that all intelligent investing is value investing – to acquire more than you are paying for.

“Recently, I was seated on a train where a great number of people were collected en route to the financial district. Of those on the train, the usual suspects were present, the same group of suits and ties that I’d seen on a daily basis for years; some gregarious, others pensive and aged from young to old. While some were discussing current economic and market dilemmas, others were upbeat and euphoric. While I rarely joined these boundless debates, I was even more aware of an older gentleman with silver hair who was always merely a spectator. One from the crowd called to the unassuming old man, “Say, Henry, you’ve been around a long while, what do you think of the times? Won’t these large deficits and weak currency ruin the market? How shall we ever make any money? What advice would you offer?” Henry looked around at the faces he’d seen many times before, and replied, “If you’re interested in my advice, I’ll give it briefly, for as Poor Richard said, ‘A word to the wise is enough.’1” The crowd in the train car became deathly quiet as all eyes turned to Henry. As he looked about at all the faces, he could tell that his initial reference did not register and he knew it would take more than a few words.

“Gentleman,” he said, “and ladies, the deficits are certainly very large, and currently the currency is weak, and while these topics are of interest, do they really matter in terms of investment decisions of individual securities? Some of you may think so, but I would suggest there are far more important things to focus on, beginning with a simple philosophy. As far back as 1934, Ben Graham wrote in his book, Security Analysis, ‘An investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis promises safety of principal and an adequate return. Operations not meeting these requirements are speculative.’2 More recently, Warren Buffett, who originally trained under Graham, has said, ‘

Rule No. 1: Never lose money.

Rule No. 2: Never forget Rule No. 1.’

3 Furthermore, in terms of an investment philosophy, Ron Muhlenkamp has said more specifically the objective should be to, ‘Maximize total return . . . through capital appreciation, and income from dividends and interest, consistent with reasonable risk.’

4- As old Henry glanced at his audience, he noted with some surprise that they seemed wholly unfamiliar with such prime notions, so he carried on:

“While such related ideas may seem basic, and they are, the business of investments can quickly become quite overwhelming without a few guiding principles such as the aforementioned. Furthermore, since our time today is limited, and you’ve asked for my advice, I’ll further narrow my comments to the business of investments in equity securities or stocks. The business of investments in stocks requires one to effectively analyze securities, both individually and relative to others, and additionally one must consider the effect of taxes and inflation on an investment opportunity.“First, to the business of investment in individual stocks. While there are several things that may pique one’s interest in a stock, it is important to note the trite saying of Warren Buffett’s, ‘Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.’

5 And Phil Fisher further added, ‘The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.’

6 In the successful business of investments, the price one pays will always directly factor in the ultimate return. By beginning the discussion with purchase price in mind, one is simply following the advice of the famous algebrist, Carl Jacobi, who frequently counseled, ‘Invert, you always invert’. By doing so, one works backwards with price in mind to determine whether the intrinsic value of a security warrants consideration of a purchase, relative to the current market price. The concept of intrinsic value largely began with Graham who generally attempted to differentiate a businesses value from its market price. Obviously the idea was oriented around exploiting differences where the fundamental value of a business on a per share basis was greater than the current market price of the security itself. However simple the notion, the concept of intrinsic value escapes an exact definition. Buffett has said of Graham’s concept of intrinsic value, that ‘There is no formula to figure (intrinsic value) out. You have to know the business (whose stock you are considering buying).’

7 Further, Buffett has cautioned that, ‘Valuing a business is part art and part science.’

8, which echoes a comment by Graham who suggested, ‘The work of a financial analyst falls somewhere in the middle between that of a mathematician and an orator.’

9 -You may ask of me, this is all quite nice, but what does it really mean? A perfectly reasonable question and further explanation I shall offer.”“Perhaps a simpler concept which correlates to intrinsic value is Aesop’s sage counsel offered in 600 B.C. that ‘a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.’ Buffett has explained Aesop’s principle the following way, ‘To flesh out this principle, you must answer only three questions. How certain are you that there are indeed birds in the bush? When will they emerge and how many will there be? What is the risk-free interest rate? If you can answer these three questions, you will know the maximum value of the bush, and the maximum number of birds you now possess that should be offered for it. And, of course, don’t literally think of birds. Think dollars.’

10- “What Buffett is really suggesting is that intelligent investment requires some reasonable assumptions and the use of rather basic time value of money principles. In terms of specific investment opportunities, one should consider the current assets, liabilities, and equity of a company, but just as important are the likely future cash flows of the company. While the balance sheet of a business is helpful with the first three items, future cash flows are based upon assumptions and although we are all familiar with what assumptions can lead to, there are valuable metrics generated by a business that are helpful to this part of the exercise. The first of these is the profitability or earnings power of the business. How much profit is the firm generating and what is the past earnings history? A five to ten year period is very helpful in showcasing the ability of a company to consistently generate and expand earnings. Additionally, and just as important is return on equity or how well the companies management can deploy the earnings of the operation. Further yet, one should always review the price-to-earnings ratio as a sort of litmus test to determine the premium that the market is charging for current earnings of the company. Therefore, one should be constantly searching for companies that are profitable and efficient and whose shares are selling at valuable prices.”

“The entire valuation exercise is of little material significance until compared to the price the market establishes for a stock. Only then does one get a sense for what value might be realized with an investment. So we have Graham’s notion of intrinsic value that seeks to place a value range on a business using time value of money principles applied to a businesses assets, liabilities, equity and likely future cash flows based upon the historical earnings and ROE of a business. When comparing the value range to the market price, one begins to understand Graham’s distilled secret of sound investment – MARGIN OF SAFETY. Just as an engineer designs redundancy (backup) into a system or excess capacity into a bridge, the intelligent investor should always attempt to build a margin of safety into the their investments. To conclude this section on business valuation within the context of intelligent investment, further commentary from Graham himself is beneficial. For Graham said, ‘The margin of safety is always dependent on the price paid. It will be large at one price, small at some higher price, and nonexistent at some higher price…It is available for absorbing the effect of miscalculation or worse than average luck.’

11-”“Now that one has insights into the general notions of intrinsic value and margin of safety, I shall turn my focus to taxes and inflation, both of which impact an investors return. Although important, I mention these items secondary to the preceding discussion because of the impact these variables have on the return of any given investment post-purchase. Just as the notions of intrinsic value and margin of safety are paramount during the investment selection and purchase process, understanding the impact of taxes and inflation on an investment post-purchase is equally important. To further amplify the importance of these variables one should consider the related comment from Charlie Munger who said, ‘Understanding both the power of compound return and the difficulty in getting it is the heart and soul of understanding a lot of things.’

12 While true indeed, one need not say much of the effect that taxes can have on the realization of an investment return, and yet the frictional costs of activity leading to taxable events can often be more detrimental to the long term compounding effect. For each taxable event, the intelligent investor is then charged the frictional cost of the croupier’s take, as well as the necessity to seek out new investments to replace the discarded. The aggregate effect of all these costs can be a dramatic decrease in the desired effect of compound return. To the point of taxes and compound return, Munger has further suggested that, ‘The objective is to buy a non-dividend-paying stock that compounds for 30 years at 15% a year and pay only a single tax of 35% at the end of the period. After taxes this works out to a 13.4% annual rate of return.’

13 While the capital gains tax rate has changed since Munger offered this advice in 1996, the point is well made and the unspoken suggestion is that higher turnover, higher transaction costs, and cumulatively higher taxes all impair the intelligent investor’s return. In addition, Buffett has alluded to the nature of compounding and indirectly advised on the proper psychology for the intelligent investor when he reiterated a lesson learned from his mentor Graham, ‘In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run it is a weighing machine.’

14 In other words, one must have conviction in their analysis in order to make investment decisions in the short run that may seem unpopular with current market sentiment, and by establishing a longer investment time horizon the investment has a better opportunity to compound returns. It has already been suggested that during the investment selection process, one should focus on conservatively financed companies, with profitable operations ideally consisting of expanding earnings and high returns on equity. Buffett has confirmed the key role of time in investment selection process and quest for compounding returns, ‘Time is the enemy of the poor business and the friend of the great business. If you have a business that’s earning 20-25% on equity, time is your friend. But time is your enemy if your money is in a low return business.’

15 Such concise anecdotal commentary should adequately illuminate the benefits of lower turnover, lower transaction costs, lower taxes and thereby the benefits of compounding on nature of investment returns. Yet, the intelligent investor is still not free and clear from one very important, but abstruse investment obstacle – inflation.”“Inflation is a monetary phenomenon that indirectly, but acutely, impacts the investment objectives of the intelligent investor and all wise investment professionals have identified inflation for its potentially disruptive nature. Because inflation is a monetary phenomenon, its cause is largely tethered to the money supply, which is controlled by the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States. The Fed also sets the interest rates for the Fed Funds Rate, the rate that banks are charged for overnight loans. The machinations of the Fed send a ripple effect throughout the markets, which ultimately impacts the intelligent investors operations. On the importance of interest rates Buffett has said that interest rates are the foremost economic variables that impact stock prices. The effect of interest rates in the markets and in the value of all financial assets, from stocks and bonds to real estate and commodities, is quite evident. And the effects on valuations can be significant. While Buffett makes a pointed comment about interest rates and their impact on the value of all assets, Ron Muhlenkamp has further identified the pervasive impact that inflation has on the intelligent investor. ‘When the value of money changes, it changes everything valued in money.’

16 Muhlenkamp has succinctly noted. He adds, ‘Everything measured in dollars is measured by the inflation yardstick,’

17 and cautions, ‘The effects of inflation can easily be overlooked because inflation shrinks everyone’s yardstick. Over time, the effect of inflation on our money can be tremendous. We can’t afford to overlook it.’

18 Obviously, taxes and inflation have potentially dramatic impacts on the ultimate return sought by the intelligent investor and should be factored sensibly in the process of investment selection and management.”“Well friends, I have taken nearly all your time this morning. My own knowledge has been improved by the very insights I’ve called upon and shared with you today, and while the dialogue offered is not thoroughly comprehensive, the highlights are of great importance towards successful intelligent investment. In summary, our journey has started with the exactness of a market quote in mind, and traveled backward identifying along the way several key, if not exact, elements that the intelligent investor must consider and evaluate in his or her quest towards superior investment returns. From the general concepts of intrinsic value to margin of safety, to the more specific metrics of profitability and earnings, return on equity, and price-to-earnings, one can understand the importance of understanding the individual business when seeking investment opportunities, which is more consequential than focusing one’s attention on the complex and indirect nature of deficits and currencies. Furthermore, our journey has covered the importance of compounding and how extended time horizons can be an added benefit to the nature of compounding. Additionally, the potentially disturbing impact of trading, taxes and inflation should be quite evident to the intelligent investor. While the notions I have shared herein are not my own, and require one to be analytical, both in terms of objective facts and more qualitative assessments, they may effectively serve as fundamental tenets of intelligent investment.”

“To conclude, I shall call upon the wisdom and insights of Graham once more for he eloquently summarized that, ‘Investment is most successful when it is most businesslike.’

19 As well, Buffett has said, ‘Read Ben Graham and Phil Fisher, read annual reports but don’t do equations with Greek letters in them.’

20 Investments are a serious business and should be treated as such. So handle your affairs in a businesslike manner and further educate yourself through a lot of reading. One also benefits from noting Poor Richard’s observations from many years ago, ‘Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other, and scarce in that, for it is true, we may give advice, but we cannot give conduct’

21, as Poor Richard says. However, remember this, ‘they that won’t be counseled, can’t be helped;’

22 and farther, that, ‘if you will not hear reason, she will surely rap your knuckles’

23. In our case friends, if not our knuckles, then at least our portfolio returns.”Accordingly, Henry ended his speech and walked briskly from the train, full of purpose and resolve. The attentive group heard the address and acknowledged the principles. Yet they all hurried off to their posts and immediately practiced the opposite, for the market opened, and they began to buy recklessly, notwithstanding all his cautions. I found the old gentleman to be very well versed in the fundamental aspects of intelligent investment, as well as the nature of markets. I was little surprised to realize that the quiet man had so much to offer, even if what he offered were not all his own insights, but that of others. However, I determined that I had benefited from the old man’s offering and resolved to work a little longer, a little harder and a little more efficiently by not straying from the philosophies of intelligent investment.


December 24, 2004.


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