CategoryGeneral thoughts

Quick rich schemes are dangerous


Let me share two personal stories, one recent and another from 25 years ago.

I have a relative who recently passed away at the age of 50 due to a heart attack. He had a very stressful job and was facing financial pressures as well. After losing his job, he found himself short of money, and it seems (though I don’t know for sure) that he thought an easy way out of his financial troubles would be to trade in the stock market.

He lost his savings and sunk deeper into debt. I am certain that all these stressors took a toll on him.

The second story is even closer. This is the story of my own father, who passed away around the same age as this relative. I have shared this story here. He lost money with a plantation company, and when I visited their office, I was told that the money was gone. I can never forget this episode in my life.

Have a Heart

I recently posted a tweet when a bank in the US collapsed

If one invests in a ‘teak’ company or in the stock market, the person may have some idea that they are taking a risk. However, when a depositor puts money in the bank, they are NOT putting that money in with an upside

I received a few replies back, saying that such people do not deserve to get their money back if they did not analyze the bank’s financials before putting their money in. I have analyzed banks for 25 years and am sure that I know more about banks than these folks. Barring a handful of analysts or insiders, no one, including the top management, can tell you with certainty that the bank will not fail.

You have to be a heartless !@@### (insert your choice of word here) to make this statement.

I have been very numbers-driven throughout my investing life. However, there are areas in life where I draw a line. The safety of a person’s life savings is one of them. You can never understand the despair of a person who has lost his life’s savings

Implicit trust

There are vehicles such as bank FD, government debt, Debt mutual funds etc which have an unwritten safety/guarantee implicit in them. If you make every depositor or investor read the 100 page prospectus or study 10 years of financial statements, the system will come to a grinding halt

Our world works on implicit trust and not everything can be driven by contracts or due-diligence. Do you check the safety certificate of a plane or its maintenance manual before boarding a flight. We implicitly trust the system to make flying safe for us

If a plane goes down, we don’t blame the passenger for it

Even if you don’t consider the humane aspect, you will realize that if you do not the guarantee deposits, the whole system will collapse

Don’t believe me? read about the banking failures of last 100 years and you will understand why regulators and government rush in to protect depositors. Hint: they did not in the 1930s and that led to the collapse of the US economy

Are more regulations the answer

There are a lot of regulations from SEBI, and these keep growing by the day. My partner, Kedar, carries all the burden, and it is tough to keep up. However, considering the number of bad actors and terrible advice on social media, I personally think that’s a small price to pay (for people like us)

Bad faith investment advice and get-rich-quick schemes are not harmless gimmicks. They cost lives and destroy families.

Life experiences and risk


I was in college when my dad passed away unexpectedly.

It was a shattering experience and only those who are unfortunate to experience it early in life can relate to it. Your notions of stability, risk and how you see the future changes completely

As I came to terms with his death, I was forced to deal with my family’s finances. This was the start of my investing journey. Till that time, I was never bothered about money, much less about stocks and bonds

We were financially insecure and that feeling drove me to learn about money & financial independence which led me to stocks, Warren Buffett and so on

I cover my initial years of investing in this video

A lot of time has passed since then and I have done well beyond my expectations. However, I don’t think my world view has changed. Such events influence your thinking on risk & money for a lifetime

I often chuckle when I read about some formulae on risk and all kinds of mathematical approaches. These formulae are without context and designed for some hypothetical person with no emotions and life experiences.

We all go through different life experience and our notions of risk, money and future are different. My own life experiences means that I will always remain a financial chicken all my life

Hunker down


I wrote this note to our subscribers today. Hope you find it useful

At the height of the epidemic, I shared my thought process on the next steps

How does one invest under such extreme uncertainty? One option is to assume that there will be a quick recovery and go all in. The other extreme is to wait till it is all clear and then deploy the capital. In the first approach one is making a bet on a specific scenario which may not occur, leading to sub-par results. In the second case, we may end up with sub-par returns too but only because prices will adjust once all the uncertainty goes away.

We paid a price for being conservative. We lagged the indices in 2020 at a time when others rode the surge in small caps and achieved stellar returns

I wrote the following at the end of 2020

At that point of time the future was uncertain and anyone making a specific bet was ‘assuming’ a specific scenario. If we assume that 50% of the investors bet on rapid recovery and the other 50% bet on the whole thing dragging on, the first group turned out to be right.

You are now hearing from investors who went all-in, in the month of March/April. It could have easily gone the other way and in that scenario, the second group would be highlighting the merits of being cautious, whereas the first group would be silent.

I personally avoid taking a specific view of how the future will unfold. The risk of doing so is high, if you get it wrong. If you are managing money for others (like me), then the risk is asymmetrical. If you get it right, you can tout your performance. If not, then your investors bear the brunt

I continue to stand by my conservative approach, though I should have reacted faster when all central banks pumped in a huge amount of liquidity into the system. By the time, I could appreciate the dynamics, it was too late

I have been following this drama closely and by mid of 2021, felt it was getting crazy. Valuations of profitless growth companies in the US went through the roof, Crypto was all rage and then we had the NFTs.

Some of these innovations could change the future, but why would I pay for a promise? If you are a buy & hold buyer (as many claim), then you should be paying a price which doesn’t discount the future. On the contrary at height of the mania, buyers were paying for the most optimistic future

The last one year has reminded me of the 2000-2001 dotcom mania. I had just started investing and resisted the mania for a long time, but finally succumbed to it in early 2000 when the bubble peaked. I promptly lost 80%+ of my meagre investments in the next few months

The advantage of experience is that if you can avoid repeating the same mistake. I have stayed away from all this madness and just watched it with amusement. You can see all the updates on my twitter feed @rohitchauhan

When the tide goes out

I created a presentation last year but did not upload it then for some reason. Interest rates have been on a 40 year downward trend and were close to 0% (and even negative). The investing world has gotten so used to this zero cost capital, that even a slight increase would be devastating to most assets

Although I could not forecast inflation and other macro issues, it was clear than any normalization or even reduction in the liquidity was going to be a problem for the market

We know what has happened since then – Inflation has surged due to war, supply shortage of commodities and all kind of supply chain issue

The net result is that interest rates are rising and have some distance to go. All central banks, including RBI have to raise interest rates and reduce liquidity to control inflation

Flip the script

So what’s my point in all this ? We all know what is happening.

If a cut in rates and increase in liquidity, resulted in a V shaped recovery, then the reverse should cause an extended downturn?

I think a lot of the correction has happened. However that does not mean markets cannot shoot on the downside. Long term investors often ignore the implications of liquidity

The net result is that the tailwinds of the last 2-3 years are now headwinds. If this turns out to be true, then there is no central bank to bail out investors this time around in the near term

Hunker down

My thinking is colored by my experience after the dotcom bust. As liquidity was pulled back, it took the markets years to normalize and start growing again. The current events are not the end of the world. At the same time, we should not expect that market will turn suddenly and resume their upwards trend

We are holding 20% cash as I write this note. My plan is keep looking for new opportunities (as always) and start with small positions. As these companies execute, we will scale into the position over time

Even as we invest and reshuffle our portfolio, we should expect losses in the near term. No amount of conservatism can save us from that. I have harping about diversification and asset allocation for last 2 years as I felt that a lot of the recent rise has been due to liquidity conditions around the globe

We can expect volatility and a tough slog for some time. The key is to manage the risk and focus on building a diversified portfolio

Progress is never linear


Let me share two graphs, which appear quite similar

Are they from the same data but drawn differently? Both graphs show periods of growth followed by consolidation or pullback

Let me zoom out and show the source of this data

The first graph is that of our model portfolio and second is of Vinati organics. One is a portfolio of stocks and another is a portfolio of products. Our portfolio has delivered 24% CAGR in the last 10 years and Vinati organics delivered 40% CAGR over the same period.

There is a deeper lesson in the above charts

Progress is never linear. It happens in fits and starts with periods of stagnation and backtracking.

Short-term thinking and extrapolation

It is easy to enter the portfolio (or a stock) at point A and just extrapolate that trend or at point B and do the same. The problem with this mindset is that the individuals expect progress to be linear and steady (purple line) whereas reality is the brown line of our portfolio

This is a problem no one can solve for us. I have seen this all my life, especially with investing. A lot of investors want immediate gratification and jump in at point A, only to be disappointed.

The right mindset is to zoom out and look at the long term trajectory. Does the mindset and approach of the advisor make sense and will it work over the long run. Is yes, then you must give it time to play out

What drives this behavior ?

I think the problem is our own expectations and lack of patience. We want immediate and consistent results. That’s the point of tweet below

The world is not kind to give something for free. If you want zero volatility – go for a fixed deposit. If you want high returns, the price you pay is the volatility of the returns.

Somehow everyone gets this in other facets of life – everything of value has a price. Patience and persistence is the key to success – in stock markets and a lot of other endeavors

Déjà vu again


The following was posted to all the subscribers. Hope you find it useful

Market drops have become a once in two year events

2016 – demonetization (note here)

2018 – ILFS crisis (note here)

2020 – Covid Crisis (note here)

2022 – Drop in US markets and now Russia Ukraine war

There is no regularity to these events and does not mean we will get these drops in even years. Such drops have occurred in the past and will occur in the future too.

You have to study the market history to know that there is always something to worry about and scare the markets

Bottoms instead of top down

I have never planned the portfolio based on some specific forecast or event. In the last 11 years of our advisory, we have seen all kinds of micro and macro events occur. At that time, the event appeared to be a big deal and then eventually everyone adapted to the new situation

What I have changed in the recent past (as I noted in the annual letter) is my response to company level events. If a company is not doing well or the management is lacking in execution, we would rather exit than hope things will work out

Doing so ensures that we clear the portfolio of its deadwood and have positions with higher level of conviction. That’s the reason we have 25% cash level in the portfolio, not because my crystal ball forecasted a downturn in 2022

What does the crystal ball say now?

My crystal ball is as murky as it always has been. The same is true for others, even if they claim otherwise

However, a few long term trends which impact investors the most, seem to standout. Inflation and by proxy interest rates appear to have bottomed and could rise in the future. This will exert a downward pressure on valuations.

Commodity prices and supply chains will continue to get disrupted due to this conflict and other geopolitical events

All of this means a lot more volatility in businesses and stock prices

How to invest with higher volatility

In my mind higher volatility means that managements of companies will have to be flexible and adapt faster to change. For us as investors, this means that the operating environment for our companies could change suddenly leading to a break in our thesis

When that happens, we may have to sell and move on. Holding onto an outdated thesis and hoping it works out is a recipe for disaster

We have been doing that for the last 6 months and will continue to do so. I am not counting on luck to bail me out.

The second change is portfolio diversification across companies and sectors. I have tried to spread out our investments across companies and sectors to ensure that a hit in one does not derail the portfolio. The same holds true for your overall portfolio outside of equities. I would recommend being diversified across asset classes with allocation adjusted to your personal situation

A plan of action

A lot of you have asked if you should add to positions which have dropped below the buy price. The simple answer is Yes. The only time when this happens is when there is chaos and crisis in the world. Such prices come only during times of trouble

It does not mean that if you start adding today, you will not see lower prices. No one can predict how low the markets can go and when they will turn around.

This is the price of investing in equities and no matter what system you follow, there will always be losses from time to time. you can use a stop loss but then on the flip side if the market suddenly turns, you will lose the upside.

The best option is to invest in a steady and measured way keeping in mind that your purchases could show a loss in the short to medium term. Invest only if you don’t need that money for the next 3-5 years and the amount is such that these losses will not cause you to lose sleep

We continue to look for new ideas and with the recent drop, a few are becoming attractive by the day.

As always, our money is invested the same as the model portfolio and we continue to eat our own cooking

Playing games


I got introduced to poker in 2020 and have taken to this game. You can read the rules of the game here. The rules are quite simple. The richness comes from the lack of perfect information

As the community cards open on the board, one bets not only on one’s own cards but also based on the strength of the opponent’s hand. As the opponent’s hand is hidden from us, we are forced to make probabilistic decisions

As the card are dealt, one makes these decisions based on betting and other actions (called as tells) of the opponent. The beauty of the game is that one can see the result of the decisions quite quickly – in a matter of 5-10 min as the hand is played out. This allows for rapid learning

As you play the game, the parallels with investing/trading become clear. Investing has far more variables and is not the same as poker. That said, both involve decision making under uncertainty

I wanted to share some learnings from the game, as related to investing

  • Losing even when odds are in your favor: Decision making under uncertainty involves making probabilistic decision. Even when the odds are in your favor, the result can go against you. The probability of win could be 60% which is considered high in poker, yet 40% of the time the result will be against you (no surprise there). This happens often and inspite of all the rational thinking such events do upset me. Most other players in poker or investing are not even thinking of probabilities

The key is to focus on the process and not the outcome (easier said than done)

  • Keeping losses low: Odds will often not be in your favor and you will be tempted to make a bet. At such times, folding your hand against all your instincts is the right decision. Making such decisions is never easy as one is losing money – by folding in poker or selling a position in the portfolio. However, such decisions are the key to doing well in the long run.

What ‘feels’ good in the short term is not good for long term results and vice versa. That’s why investing is simple but not easy

  • Know yourself: Some players are aggressive risk taker. They will bluff often and make big bets when odds are slightly in their favor. Other players like me are more conservative. I am constantly calculating the odds and making bets accordingly. I am also focused on not going bust in a game (losing my entire stack). I invest in stocks in the same manner. The only difference in my poker game is that I will occasionally bet high when the odds are really good.

Successful players play to their natural bent of mind, but at the same time should try to do what is not comfortable for them. Combing the right amount of offense and defense is an art and a lifelong process in poker and investing

Checking for survival during Covid


In March 2020, during the depth of the Covid crisis, I did a bankruptcy risk analysis of all my positions. I wanted to evaluate, how long these companies would survive, under various lockdown scenarios such as a drop in topline by 50% or zero revenue for an extended period

Although the severity of the crisis turned out to be much lower, there was a non zero probability that the pandemic could get worse and cause a longer shutdown

I used the recent financial results and credit rating report for the analysis. The review was broken down into break even analysis (how long the company could survive on zero revenue) and long term demand/business impact

Getting a grip on the risk

This analysis allowed me to evaluate the risk of individual positions, their correlations and not to panic at the bottom. At the same time, it also prevented me from being sanguine about the risks.

The benefit of this exercise was that i able to avoid selling at the bottom and started adding to the model portfolio in steady /regular fashion from Mid April 2020 as the worst case scenario did not play out. This analysis continued to help me in subsequent waves of the pandemic as I had already done the work of evaluating the worst case scenario

Although this was a stressful exercise done in the middle of all the uncertainty, it allowed me behave more rationally and in a measured fashion. For me, there was never a eureka/light bulb moment when I decided to go all in. As I shared in my earlier post, my top priority was return of capital than return ON capital

Following is a sample of the analysis and are my raw notes. This is no longer in the portfolio (as shared in the prior post – a mistake) and also not a recommendation to buy or sell

April 2020 : Thomas cook (I) ltd [Company is in the travel space – epicentre of the crisis]

Liquidity risk: CRISIL AA-/Negative as of 3/27

Crisil report: Liquidity Strong

Liquidity remains strong, with cash and cash equivalents of Rs 1,724 crore as on December 31, 2019, against repayment obligation of Rs 73 crore over the 12 months till December 31, 2020. Liquidity is driven by the nature of operations with significant advances from customers. Financial flexibility is enhanced by the ability to contract short- and long-term debt at competitive rates. On a standalone level, TCIL has no long-term debt, and working capital limit has been sparsely utilised. Its subsidiaries are expected to service debt through internal accrual and need-based support from TCIL.

CRISIL believes TCIL’s profitability and cash flow metrics could be materially impacted by continued travel restrictions due to prolonged Covid-19 situation.

Cash burn rate: Company has a cash outflow of around 250-300 Crs/ quarter from salaries, overhead and other expenses. Company has used up around 150 crs of surplus cash. Float is likely to drop. With full stoppage of travel company is likely to lose 200 Crs in Q1 and around 200-250 crs in assuming travel starts picking up end of year slowly. Company has cash and equivalent of 1700 crs, free cash of 200 crs (50 crs after buyback) and only 75 Crs of re-payment till end of the year

Assuming 50% drop in topline, company could lose atleast 500-600 Crs this year. Can take on debt of 400-500 crs including loans/ funding from parent to sustain the year. Some recovery could happen in 2021 and 2022 could see return to normalcy

Break even analysis

Company has a GPM of around 25%. Company needs 1200-1400 Crs of cash flow for Break even basis. Based on this, the company will achieve cash flow break even with 25% drop in topline. Due to the severe stoppage of travel and tourism, even this is not likely. Q1 could see almost 70% drop and Q2 could at best be 40% of capacity. Normalcy will only return from Q3 onwards.

In view of this, the company will need close to 800-900 crs of cash flow and will need to take on 500 -700 crs of debt at a minimum to support the operations.

Long term demand/ Business model impact

Short term fragility is from complete stoppage of travel/forex, MICE events etc. Long term risks/ fragility comes from OTL and move to online travel, which for now is lower risk and with tightening of capital, could reduce.

Momentum and Time frames


The following was part of a note written to subscribers. Hope you find it useful

We bought the stock a year back and added to it in December. Since then, the stock price is up 70%+. In the interim, the price doubled and then gave up some of those gains. Our buy price and fair value did not change as much during this period, which shows that business performance does not swing as much as the price

Like several other companies, the stock went from a value/ growth to a momentum play in a matter of months

When we make an investment, it is with a 2-3 year ‘rolling’ horizon. We have a 2-3-year view, but if the company keeps performing, the horizon gets extended. After a few years, if you look at the holding, it seems to be a buy and hold position. However, the ‘hold’ part is always conditional on the performance of the company

In contrast a momentum investor buys a company, when it shows up high on their momentum list (highest returns in the look back period), with their own unique set of adjustments. The time horizon for such investors is much shorter. Momentum works for 6-9 months on average and requires such investors to exit and replace with new stocks which appear on their list

Same stock, different approach

Both the investors may be invested in the same stock but are playing a very different game with a different time horizon.

The price of the company, however, is impacted by the action of all the investors, irrespective of their motivation. A loss of momentum is further compounded by the exit of such investors/traders.

I am not making a moral argument in the above and there is nothing good or bad about it. It is stupid to accuse other investors of disturbing your game. We need to aware of what is happening but be clear about our motivations.

We have a longer time horizon with focus on the long-term performance of the company. If the execution falters, we will exit. Till then, we wait and watch

In the meantime, we will not do momentum or short-term trades with our positions. Doing so would be stupid on our part. If we want to play the momentum, then the approach is very different (regular, pre-decided exits). Mixing the two leads to the worst of the two worlds


Simplicity is the key


I wrote the following as part of my half yearly letter to subscribers. Hope you find it useful

When I started investing, I thought there is some magic formulae to grow your capital. After 10 years of search, I realized that the answer was staring me in the face.

The key to wealth creation was very simple – Save aggressively and invest patiently

I had always done the first,  but was doing it wrong with the second part of the equation. Like most young, hot blooded guys, my focus was to make the highest possible return in the shortest time possible. After a decade of doing that, I realized that the stress and effort was not worth it.

In addition to the lost sleep, I was reluctant to invest most of my capital to my own stock selection. Most likely, it must have been the risk of my approach which made me cautious

Key decisions

Around the start the advisory I made a few key decisions based on my past experience

  • All of my Liquid networth in India (excluding my real estate and some smaller stuff like LIC) would go into stocks (my own picks)
  • I would invest my family’s capital in the same manner
  • I will not shoot for the moon and my focus would be on preservation of capital above everything else

These decisions led to the following actions

  • No investments in derivatives, margin trading, IPO or any high risk situation
  • No reaching for yield in debt. Keep most of my capital in stocks and the rest in FD
  • No short term trading

In other words, the sleep test. Can I sleep well in the night with my current portfolio ?

The decision to  focus all my investments in one bucket – A diversified portfolio of stocks lead to a simpler portfolio, lower risk and a high allocation. There is no point making 40% CAGR if you allocate only 10% of your networth to it. A 20% CAGR with 80% allocation will lead to better results is a better option

I carried the same approach into the advisory as we have always believed in eating our cooking . Outside of a few experiments which if successful, make it to the recommended list, all my investments in India are the same as the Model portfolio. It has kept my life simple and the absolute returns are good enough for me

I am now thinking on how I can simplify my financial life further. A few thoughts

  • Identify a few stocks which have the benefit of a long term trend. Once you are invested, be patient, till the trend is valid
  • Eliminate all debt including contingent ones. An example of contingent debt is money for your kid’s education or for your own healthcare in the long run
  • Have a proper will in place so that your family doesn’t suffer if you get hit by a bus (hopefully never)
  • When in doubt, reduce risk. Investing is not a T20 match. You can always bat the next day

Investing is not an Engineering problem


I have an engineering background and a very quantitative/rationalistic lens of looking at the world (does not mean I am rational). What I mean is that when I am analyzing a company and valuing it, my  assumption is that all investors will ‘objectively’ look at the numbers and value it in the same fashion.

This approach to investing has its merits and works most of time. However, it has limitations and overweighing it leads to problems.

The above is the performance of a company which by all objective standards has done reasonably well. It has grown topline at 14%, profits at 19% with an ROE of 17% over the last five years. However, the stock is down 70% during this period.

Now you may thinking that this company has some governance issues and there is something seriously wrong with its business model. Let me share the name of the company – Its Repco home finance. This is an old position and you can read the prior analysis here.

We closed the position in Dec 2016 when the company was selling at around 22 times earnings. The main reason for exiting the stock was that I was concerned about the quality of the book (NPA). How did the NPAs turn out?

I hate to say this, but I was right for the wrong reasons. The NPAs have risen in the last few years, but the rise has not been alarming, and it includes some of the worst periods for economy and the financial services Industry. Inspite of that the company closed FY20 with 4% GNPA (which is similar to most private sector banks).

The net NPA for the company is 2.8% which is not high and should improve going forward. So by all objective measures the company has done well but the stock is down 70%. It is selling at around 5 times earnings and 70% of book value.

We  can all debate about what the future holds, but based on the past few years it is unlikely that it will be worse than the last few years. The above is but one example of how narrative often overwhelms the performance of a company.

A rationalist like me would say – Lets wait for some more time and the market will eventually recognize the true worth of the company. But the point is how long should one wait ? 3,5 or 10 years ?  There is an opportunity cost of holding such a position

This kind of scenario has played out with a few of our other positions and has made me question the limits of fundamental analysis. This does not mean that fundamental analysis has no value and should be thrown out of the window. That would be equally foolish.

In order to account for such cases, I have become more sensitive to the narrative around a company and a sector. If the narrative does not change and the stock price does not reflect the fundamentals, then I am more likely to exit a position even if the numbers are fine. We can always re-enter the stock when the market starts changing its view.

Investing in the markets is not an engineering problem which can solved by logic alone. In the past I have failed to account for that to our detriment. The best way to manage this kind of trap is to have a time fuse for each idea. If market does not come around to your view inspite of no change in fundamentals, then one should just exit – No questions asked !


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