AuthorRohit Chauhan

The wrong questions


We wrote the following to our subscribers

When and at what level will the market bottom?

what should be the cash level in the portfolio to ride out the bear market?

These are wrong questions to ask. Let me explain –

I wrote about preparing for a downturn in my prior note. We have developed a process based on the study of the past bear markets and our failures. The key point is that we ignored some risks in the past which hurt us when the market cycle turned.

We have identified the following risks and managed them as they intensified towards the second half of 2024

  1. Valuation risk: We exited/trimmed several positions in tranches as stocks went from under-valued to fairly and then overvalued. We did not exit these positions in one shot as we wanted to take advantage of the momentum
  2. Position size risk: There are positions we want to hold through the cycle. However, this poses the risk of opportunity loss if the size is too large. We trimmed some of these positions so that we can hold the balance with less stress
  3. Sector concentration: we reduced positions if they were based on the same theme and sector. When a sector goes out of favor, it can impact the stock for a long time
  4. Poor performance: In some cases, the performance of the company was weakening and we exited as the risk reward was no longer attractive

One additional element this time was to review the indices and breadth to gauge the market cycle. As the cycle weakened in Q4, we actively reduced our risk.

In summary, we were focused on managing risk and not predicting what will happen to the market.

Half the battle

We are now at 45%+ cash level which is the highest ever and it is NOT burning a hole in our pocket. This cash level is an outcome of the process

It is easy to feel smug at this point. However, this is only half the battle. Equally important is to re-enter the market and not get locked into a bearish outlook.

We will not depend on market forecast or expert views for it. We have looked at this phase of the market too in the past cycles and have a process of initiating or raising our positions. Some of you have asked how long will it take?

We don’t know. That can only be known if you can predict the market (We can’t)

Graded entry and exit

We had a gradual exit out of several positions to reduce the aggregate risk as the market weakened.  We will re-enter in a gradual manner too driven by our buy process

The buy process for a stock will be based on its fundamentals and risk reward equation. It does not require for us to forecast when and at what level the market will bottom. Fixating on the market level is a waste of time. We are focused on refining and executing our process of finding and entering new positions

This time around, the cash level will also be a result of executing this process

Preparing for a downturn


We published this note to all our subscribers today

I have been doing a detailed analysis of the past bear markets of 2008, 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022. I looked at the indices, individual stocks and our past holdings during this period. It has allowed to me understand context of the market and mistakes I made during these periods.

I am listing a few learnings from this study. This should give you a context of our actions in the recent months during which our cash levels rose from 6% to 33% now

The current market reminds me most of the 2007/early 2008 and 2017/early 2018 period. It does not mean that we will have a financial crisis later this year. Please keep in mind that it is about similarities with these periods, but you cannot use it to forecast the market

A few learnings

No one can predict the market but often there are signs of froth, and it makes sense to become cautious. One can guess ‘what’ may happen, even if you cannot figure out when it will happen

  • Valuation extremes: In the past, when valuations hit the extremes, it took months for the excesses to be wrung out of the system. Valuations are now at their 10+ year high in the small cap/mid cap space. Promoters have been launching IPO/QIP etc to raise capital when it is cheap
  • Deep corrections: Theme stocks of the current cycle, no matter how good the prospects, get hit the most and can easily drop 50% or more. Other stocks will not be spared as indices drop 10-30% from peak to trough
  • Nowhere to hide: During deep corrections, there is no place to hide, and all stocks will be impacted. The key is to remain invested in those companies with a robust business model and good growth prospects for the next 2-3 years

Mistakes from the past

We made the following mistakes which I am trying to avoid now

  • We were concentrated in a few sectors/ stocks in the previous downcycle. When these stocks were hit, our portfolio had a big impact
  • We kept buying or held on to stocks which were in continuous down trend. A lot of these companies did not recover for another 2-3 years
  • Heavy losses made us risk averse and we were not prepared enough when the market turned

Some recent actions

  1. Reduce valuation risk – We have reduced or eliminated positions where the valuation was much higher than the median. This was to reduce the valuation risk in the portfolio
  2. Reduce concentration risk – We have reduced the size of some positions which are fairly valued. This was done to reduce the concentration risk
  3. Exit weak sectors – We have exited some stocks where the stock and the sector seem to be topping off and growth is slowing such as the FMCG space

Go forward plan

We have not started a new position for some time.  As we have shared in the past, we will not invest to show activity from our side and justify our fees. We will act only when the risk reward is favorable

Just because the market is down 10% does not mean that it’s a good time to buy. If you expect steady stream of ideas, you will be disappointed as markets don’t work that way. There are times to be active and then times to just wait and prepare

We continue to monitor all our positions and will not hesitate to exit or reduce some of them if the risk reward is not great. Just because a stock is already down, or a turnaround is around the corner is not the right way to make decision.

Experience in prior bear market has taught us that hope is a bad strategy. Take your hits, clean the slate and conserve your financial and mental capital. We will be ready whenever the market turns

Learning and feeling dumb


I started my career in Marketing and switched to IT (consulting). The pay was 2X and the stress was half of that. I had also come to the realization that I did not enjoy sales/marketing. Reading and learning was the thing I loved, and IT provided a great opportunity for that. Investing was the other area where I could the same and earn at the same time

I joined one of the Large IT services companies and was deployed on an ERP project. I had no clue about the technology. I tackled the problem the same way I had handled it as an investor

I went online, downloaded the implementation guides, manuals, notes – whatever I could find and started reading them. At first, they made no sense. However, by the third reading (cover to cover), I started getting a hang of it

The next step was to get into the software and practice. I became good at it within a year.

On the next project, I had some juniors working with me who were in the same place, I was a year back. To my surprise, when I asked them to read all the material, cover to cover, they balked at it. Till the end of the project, they kept reaching out to me for help and just coasted along

Most people avoid lifelong learning

At the end of this episode and a few years later, I realized a couple of things

  • These colleagues did reasonably well in other companies and moved into managerial roles. It just showed that learning was not key in moving up the ladder and most companies did not care for it.
  • There is a perverse system where a lot of IT service companies do not reward for deep expertise. As a result, they end up with a layer of management who have outdated technology skills. It is not their loss though as they tend to fire such resources when they get bloated
  • Curiosity and drive to learn is not as common as I thought. Most of the people I know would rather coast along without pushing themselves

Why people avoid learning

Initially I was puzzled why people avoided learning when it was fun, and you were better off in the end

I realized that the process of learning makes you feel stupid. I recently went through this phase when I was learning technical analysis and poker a few years back. Even now, I get the same feeling on a regular basis. This is not a question of intelligence. No one likes to feel dumb and as a result people avoid learning new things

This will be a major hurdle in the future for a lot of people as new AI based technologies go mainstream. I have gone down that rabbit hole in the last 2 years and can see massive changes on the horizon.

Unfortunately, a lot of people will complain and find reasons to avoid the discomfort of learning. I am lucky that I am comfortable with feeling lost and stupid most of the time. I have 25 years of practice in it

Here we go again


A recent post to our subscribers on the current market situation. Hope you find it useful

We have experienced 13 drops of more than 10% in the last 14 years of our advisory. A few have been more than 20% and the one in 2020 was 30%+

If you have been in the equity market for a long time, this is not a surprise. Even a cursory study of market history, shows the same. Yet, a lot of people get shocked by such drops.

The recent drop is being explained with a new set of reasons whereas just a few months back, India was being touted as a miracle economy. If you really need a reason, how about this? – The markets fell as it often has in the past and will do so from time to time in the future

A study of the past

I recently did a talk about past cycles of manias and booms & busts. You can watch the recording here. Some of the key lessons are

  • Manias and crashes are driven by human nature. They will always be there as long as people are trading in the markets
  • There is a plausible, kernel of truth which gets stretched to excess
  • No one can predict when/where a bubble will start and when it will end
  • Media always acts as a cheer leader of Bubbles (Story/Attention Bias)

As part of this study, we also reviewed the past 25 years of the Indian market. We have incorporated the learnings in a new process, where we review the market on a monthly basis to gauge its trend, breadth and sectors which are doing well and ones that are slowing down

As a result of this review and rising valuations, we started exiting some positions and are now at 25% cash levels

Did I foresee that the market would drop? No amount of market analysis can help you forecast the future. What we did realize was that some companies in our portfolio were stretched and so we started pulling back. We also exited positions where the performance was poor and the stock was weakening

In a nutshell, we raised our cash level as the risk reward ratio in our portfolio dropped

So what about the cash?

The next set of questions, we invariably get after every drop, is when we plan to invest the cash. For starters, we are not swing traders who are trying to catch the swing low to make a 20% gain on the next bounce

Our focus is to buy stocks with a 2-3 yr window and a 10% drop is not enough. Several stocks have dropped from a PE of 100 to 70. That is not cheap

We are constantly searching for new ideas and that process continues independent of the market condition. A bear market turns up more ideas for consideration, but we are not in a hurry. We have slept well and made reasonable returns inspite of holding high cash from time to time. We will continue in the same manner

The psychology of stoploss


I wrote this to our subscribers recently. Hope you find it useful

Why be cautious

It is easy to swing for the fences. If we had been fully invested and had higher allocation to some positions, our returns would be higher. However, I have been a proponent of the principle The number one goal of investing is survival.

This does not mean we won’t lose money at the position or portfolio level from time to time. Our goal is to have losses from which we can recover financially and psychologically. Most investors underestimate damage to the psyche after a huge drawdown. All high return strategies appear great in hindsight, but usually have 50%+ draw downs in them. It is easy to see such drawdowns on paper and completely different to experience it.

I am certain that less than 1% of investors can tolerate a 50%+ drawdown and continue to invest in the same manner as before. Most throw in the towel, never to return to the markets. There is no point in following an approach you cannot stick with, especially when the going gets tough

The psychology of stoploss

This is another change we introduced in the last few years to manage risk. I never used a stop loss for 20 years and found the idea contrary to buy and hold. If you plan to hold a position for the long term and it drops in price, then it surely is cheaper, and one should add more?

We have done that in the past, before we got hit by a few failures in 2018 and 2020

As I mulled over this issue, I realized that buy & hold works only as a special case – my analysis is correct and there is no change in the underlying thesis. In these failures, I got the analysis wrong, or the thesis changed. Holding onto such positions is financial suicide

We review a host of fundamental and technical factors to arrive at a stop loss number, which also depends on the type of setup. A long term buy and hold position has a much wider stop loss compared to a momentum stock

More than the number though, a stop loss acts as a line in the sand. It allows us to exit the position and look at it at a later point without any baggage.

The most important benefit for us is psychological. It has allowed me to be more aggressive with new ideas as I know that our downside is capped. In absence of a stop loss, the downside risk would have me worried, and we would often miss the idea. In other words, the idea of stop loss has been mentally liberating


  • This report is published by RC Capital Management – SEBI Registered Investment Advisor (INA000004088).
  • This report is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as an Investment Advice.
  • RC Capital Management may have recommended the above stocks to our clients in the past. However, this is not a recommendation to buy / hold / sell the stock at the time of publishing this report.
  • The securities quoted are for illustration purpose only and are not recommendatory
  • RC Capital Management may hold position in any of the companies mentioned in the report at the time of publishing the same. Its partners may hold a position in this company in their individual capacity at the time of publishing.
  • Neither RC Capital Management nor its partners have received any compensation from any company mentioned in this report for the preparation of this report.
  • There is no conflict of interest for RC Capital Management / it’s partners due to publishing this report

Winning the battle, losing the war


I have tweaked my approach in the last few years. An outcome is higher number of transactions and re-entering the same position even though it did not work the first time. This is not about being proven right, but buying a stock if the probabilities are favorable, even if it did not work the first time

This gives an impression of flip flopping to my subscribers. I wrote the following note in response to that.

Winning the battle, losing the war

I have been fixated on the success of each position for a long time. This is a very common mindset among all investors. Although, everyone knows that it’s the portfolio returns that count, we get hung up on each holding

My guess is that some of this comes from our schooling, where we were graded on each question and the final score was a total of individual marks. It does not work that way in life and Investing

For example, if you hold 10 stocks in your portfolio and one stock goes up 10X and the rest drop by 50% before you liquidate your entire portfolio, you have made 45% on your portfolio

Is this hypothetical? Not in the venture capital world where one position can go up 100X and the rest can go to 0. Public market portfolios behave in the same manner.

Most of our alpha have come from a handful of positions

If this is the reality, it leads to a few logical actions

  1. We should not chase a high hit rate. A less than 50% success rate is fine as long as we manage the downside risk. Portfolio management is not an entrance exam
  2. The key is to get a few positions right and make the most of it. If that means, re-entering the same positions several times, so be it. Did it matter we lost 20% on Neuland labs before making 150% on it. The other downside of this approach is higher number of transactions
  3. We will appear to flip flop and regularly change our mind. We will hold our position only if the company gives us reasons to do so. Each position has to earn its place


  • This report is published by RC Capital Management – SEBI Registered Investment Advisor (INA000004088).
  • This report is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as an Investment Advice.
  • RC Capital Management may have recommended the above stocks to our clients in the past. However, this is not a recommendation to buy / hold / sell the stock at the time of publishing this report.
  • The securities quoted are for illustration purpose only and are not recommendatory
  • RC Capital Management may hold position in any of the companies mentioned in the report at the time of publishing the same. Its partners may hold a position in this company in their individual capacity at the time of publishing.
  • Neither RC Capital Management nor its partners have received any compensation from any company mentioned in this report for the preparation of this report.
  • There is no conflict of interest for RC Capital Management / it’s partners due to publishing this report

Brain damage Stocks


There are some stocks which have a high risk reward equation for investors, but the equation does not work for the investment manager

Let me explain –  There are some stocks a fund manager can buy and even if he loses money, his investors will not be upset. Think of HDFC bank or Reliance industries

And then there are stocks which if you lose money, you will be questioned (to put it mildly). There have been such positions in our portfolio in the past. The prime example was Shemaroo. I still have some of those emails with me as a reminder

We try to ignore the noise and act as rationally as possible. That said, I am human and experience the same emotions. We are far tolerant of such positions in our own portfolio compared to what we recommend for all of you. Neuland labs was not entirely in that bucket, but had elements to it when we re-initiated the position

To begin with, we lost money on it in our first try. We were cautious in restarting the position and did not want to impact the portfolio if it failed again.

High returns are not free

There are some positions which have worked very well in our personal portfolio, but we will not add to the model portfolio. These are small cap, turnaround companies which have a higher risk reward ratio. Also if things go wrong, exit is not easy.

There is no free lunch in the stock market. We are not going to find a 20% compounder with 25% ROC valued at 10 times earnings. There was a time when such stocks were available and I was lucky to invest in some, but those days are long gone

We some time buy these higher risk/reward, ugly looking stocks for our personal account, but the downside for the model portfolio is too high.

We are thinking of how we can develop a different product for such stocks for investors who are tolerant of much higher risk. We will keep you posted as we get ready for the launch


  • This report is published by RC Capital Management – SEBI Registered Investment Advisor (INA000004088).
  • This report is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as an Investment Advice.
  • RC Capital Management may have recommended the above stocks to our clients in the past. However, this is not a recommendation to buy / hold / sell the stock at the time of publishing this report.
  • The securities quoted are for illustration purpose only and are not recommendatory
  • RC Capital Management may hold position in any of the companies mentioned in the report at the time of publishing the same. Its partners may hold a position in this company in their individual capacity at the time of publishing.
  • Neither RC Capital Management nor its partners have received any compensation from any company mentioned in this report for the preparation of this report.
  • There is no conflict of interest for RC Capital Management / it’s partners due to publishing this report

Financial planning is 80% Psychology


First a disclaimer: We don’t provide financial planning services, so this is not a sales pitch

I recently met with my extended family and went through a financial planning exercise for some of them. It was a learning experience for all involved

The no.1 element of such exercise is behavioral, or psychology of the individuals involved. An advisor who misses this point and focuses on numbers alone will never be effective. This is like a doctor who prescribes a medicine but does not understand the motivation and fears of the patient. Patient compliance is low in such cases

I focused on the psychology and life situation of each individual and tailored my advice accordingly. I also tried to simplify as much as possible so that it would be easy for them to follow my advice. I used a 3 bucket analogy for savings and investing

Bucket 1: Liquid assets for emergency expenses

Bucket 2: Savings for children’s education (medium term)

Bucket 3: Savings for a long term goal – Retirement

Let me share three case studies and hopefully you can see some value in them even if your personal circumstance may not fit it

  1. Young single mom

A single mom and sole earning member of the family. She is making a reasonable income and is saving a small portion of her income. Most of the savings are in cash or fixed deposits due to lack of knowledge.

I explained the three bucket approach to investing. As she has enough asset in cash/FD, we decided to move some of this capital to broadly diversified mutual funds. The idea was to get started with a small amount initially and then add via SIP over time (to reduce the timing risk)

I took time to re-assure them that her financial situation was fine, and she was doing a good job of saving. She had to focus on creating long term assets to fund her children’s education and her retirement.

  1. Married couple with young children

Typical married middle class couple with home loan and other expenses. They are making reasonable income and saving some portion of it. Most savings are in cash or FD earning low rates of return

I followed the same three bucket approach to investing. The recommendation was the same as the prior case, but as they are making a good salary, we decided to move faster into mutual funds compared to the single mom

Also, they could fund some of their children’s education through regular earnings and could focus on saving for their own retirement. Finally, any bonus or windfall was to be used to pay down debt after ensuring that there was enough in the emergency fund

  1. Married couple with children and volatile income

Very similar to the second case, but the income is very volatile due to business instead of salary income. My template for financial planning was the same as the previous cases but I have asked them to build a 12 month cash reserve.

The surplus capital will move into diversified mutual funds for funding their kid’s education and their own retirement

Some observations from the exercise

The online / Twitter world is completely disconnected from the reality of 90%+ people in the outside world. On Fintwit, a lot of people are jumping around talking of their multi-bagger picks and beating the market

The rest of the world is busy with making a living and saving the best they can. There is a high level of ignorance in terms of financial planning and investment options such as mutual funds. A lot of people are good in terms of savings (though this is reducing), but have no idea on how to invest

As a result, they are invested in low yielding assets. These people also face the risk of mis selling by unscrupulous people. Frustrated with low returns, these people are sold high risk products which does not suit their financial situation or goals.

If like me, you are proficient in financial planning, I think its our moral duty to advise such people – provided they are open to listening. A lot of people will ignore your advice, but a few will listen and that is enough.

If you can help someone secure their financial future, then you have done a big service to them.

Selecting a few mutual funds

I provided a few names to my relatives which I cannot share for obvious regulatory reasons. My criteria for selecting these funds was very simple.

  • Ignore all high risk funds such as Quant, thematic, sector etc. Their returns may be good, but they are not suitable for the people I was advising
  • Select a broadly diversified flexicap fund
  • Short list funds with above average 5 – 10 years of returns
  • Recommend two or three funds. There is no need to go beyond that

The key is to get started and not split hairs on which fund has given the highest return. As I mentioned earlier, the online world is fixated on alpha, whereas in the real world just getting started and making more than an FD will make all the difference

On selling


There are three ways we can sell or scale out a position

  1. Sell early or in other words sell into strength
  2. Sell late or in other words sell into weakness
  3. Sell at the absolute top

The first two options are known only in hindsight and the third option is a desire of many investors, but should never be the goal of a sensible investor. I know of no system where someone can sell at the top on a consistent basis (consistent being the key word)

All forms of investing and trading try to achieve an above average return on a consistent basis. So lets remove option c and focus on the other two options.

We have to pick our poison – Either sell early and leave some money on the table or sell late and see some of the paper gains evaporate. We use a mix of the two to minimize regret

For example, we sold some of Polycab, Apl apollo etc into strength in 2022 and 2023 and the balance was sold after we hit the peak and the stock started sliding. In these two cases, we sold some early based on position sizing and the rest once we hit the stoploss or due to some issue. In both cases, we achieved a decent return on the total position.

Both the stocks rose after we trimmed the positions in 2022/23 and polycab even doubled from our initial sale. For the portion we held on, we made a decent return but sold below the peak price

In effect, we had regrets after each transaction and that is the key point. No matter, what decision we make, we will have regrets. Sometimes the result of the action will be visible in months and sometimes after years (such as Balaji amines which went up 20X+ after we sold)

We are not trying to achieve perfection in any investment decision. We are trying to do a reasonable job and minimize (not eliminate regret).

This means that our transaction timing will be reasonable but never perfect, though we are making constant effort to improve the quality of these decisions


  • This report is published by RC Capital Management – SEBI Registered Investment Advisor (INA000004088).
  • This report is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as an Investment Advice.
  • RC Capital Management may have recommended the above stocks to our clients in the past. However, this is not a recommendation to buy / hold / sell the stock at the time of publishing this report.
  • The securities quoted are for illustration purpose only and are not recommendatory
  • RC Capital Management does not hold any position in any of the companies mentioned in the report at the time of publishing the same. Its partners may hold a position in this company in their individual capacity at the time of publishing.
  • Neither RC Capital Management nor its partners have received any compensation from any company mentioned in this report for the preparation of this report.
  • There is no conflict of interest for RC Capital Management / it’s partners due to publishing this report.

Bankruptcy risk analysis


It was the later part of March 2020 and I was really worried about the tail risks to our portfolio. I started getting worried about Covid in late feb/early march and wrote the following posts on it

Battening down the hatches


And the key post in the series: Economic sudden stop in which I wrote the following

What is an economic sudden stop – It is when most economics activities for a location come to a sudden stop due to a financial or natural disaster. In most cases such sudden stops are local such as due to a flood or an earthquake.

Global sudden stops are extremely rare and have happened only during the great depression in 1930s and 2008. Even during wars, we do not have such a situation.

The current crises has the potential of an economic sudden stop (and may have started). I have been thinking of this risk (which I have been referred to as a Tail risk). Over the weekend, I drew the following crude picture to illustrate my hypothesis (please excuse my drawing)

In view of this risk, I decided to analyze all my positions for bankruptcy risk. I wanted to assess how long the companies in my portfolio would survive, if there was complete stoppage of business (revenue = 0)

I am attaching the analysis below. Please note all companies in the note are for educational purpose only. Also we don’t hold these stocks now.

Bankruptchy risk analysis


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