Life experiences and risk


I was in college when my dad passed away unexpectedly.

It was a shattering experience and only those who are unfortunate to experience it early in life can relate to it. Your notions of stability, risk and how you see the future changes completely

As I came to terms with his death, I was forced to deal with my family’s finances. This was the start of my investing journey. Till that time, I was never bothered about money, much less about stocks and bonds

We were financially insecure and that feeling drove me to learn about money & financial independence which led me to stocks, Warren Buffett and so on

I cover my initial years of investing in this video

A lot of time has passed since then and I have done well beyond my expectations. However, I don’t think my world view has changed. Such events influence your thinking on risk & money for a lifetime

I often chuckle when I read about some formulae on risk and all kinds of mathematical approaches. These formulae are without context and designed for some hypothetical person with no emotions and life experiences.

We all go through different life experience and our notions of risk, money and future are different. My own life experiences means that I will always remain a financial chicken all my life

By Rohit Chauhan


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