A poll


I have added a poll on the sidebar with the following question

What do you expect to make from investing in stocks in the next 3-5 years ?

10-15% per annum
15-20% per annum
20-25% per annum
25-30% per annum
30%+ per annum

The question is not what you wish, but what you think you will be able to make based on your past experience. The distinction is important as in my own case i would wish to make 100%+, have a private jet etc etc, but i will never make those kind of returns no matter how much i wish for it.

Why should i respond ?
Based on the survey i plan to publish a post with my personal views (who else’s ..its my blog 🙂 ) on what it would take to make the returns in each segment (10-15, 15-20% etc).

It should take not more than 10 sec to participate in the post and you can use the results to compare your expectations with others and see what it would take to get these returns.


  • Hi Rohit,Its very informative blog which you are providing to its readers. I/community would be rewarded if you post a detailed run down of DCF calculations and caveats of it.–VIJAY

  • I can't believe somebody wants to make 10-15% in Indian Stock markets..:-)On can get close to 10% in Fixed Income.

  • Hi vicFrom current market levels a 10-15% return is more likely in the next 3-5 years ..atleast from the index. so if someone is not ready to put the extra effort and understand his or her limitations ..this return is quite reasonable.rgdsrohit

  • I agree Rohit that from this point onwards, 10-15% is reasonable.But it is also possible that there could be another crash this or next year and we get to make 100% again during next 3-5 years.Wouldn't we all love that?hahahaVic

By Rohit Chauhan


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