Business model of Ratings agency – Crisil


I am looking at the financial numbers of crisil. My thinking was that CRISIL and any other rating agency would have a good business model. On looking at the numbers i have been completely blown away.

– Return on networth – 20 % +
– Return on capital employed in business – 80 % (approximate ). The company has about Rs100/share of investment
– Net profit is almost equal to cash flow as a rating agency would not have too much fixed expenses (other than offices which can be bought or leased)
– Not much of working capital requirement (close to zero)
– Net margins of 20% +
– Strong competitive advantage in the form of a strong brand name ( CRISIL or ICRA etc ). Any company wanting to get rated will have to go to these companies …sometimes to all of them ( and i cant think of new companies being able to get into this business easily)
– additional lines of business through these relationships with companies like advisory services, research services etc which provides additional revenue streams.

So if everything is so good , why not buy the stock …?? looked at the price and ofcourse the market is smart enough to recognise a good business. The stock sells at a PE of around 35. So it seems to be a great business available at not a great price. I will give it a pass ..but will continue studying the business model

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By Rohit Chauhan


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